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Tin-Man's picture
@Man in search Re: "...I

@Man in search Re: "...I now see how foolish i was coming here expecting someone to make any sense."

Hulk ANGRY!!!.... Hulk SMASH!!!... Grrrrrr.....!!!

Ramo Mpq's picture
Hulk not angry...... Hulk has

Hulk not angry...... Hulk has seen later

Tin-Man's picture
@Man in search... Re: "Hulk

@Man in search... Re: "Hulk not angry...... Hulk has seen truth."

And, yea, I say to thee, the TRUTH shall set you FREEEE! OR....

It can make you run away with your tail between your legs..... as seems to be the case here. *waving bye-bye*

arakish's picture
I always suggest Wikipedia.

I always suggest Wikipedia. However, I also stipulate to use the See Also, Eternal Links, Notes, etc. at the bottom as a web portal to more reliable sources, specifically at university web sites and journal article/papers sites. I have never claimed Wikipedia is a 100% reliable source since anyone with an account there can make changes to the pages. Basically, you have to use your own judgment when using Wikipedia. However, since I volunteer at Wikipedia to help upkeep the pages, I do know that Wikipedia is a fairly good source for initial information. But it can also be used as a web portal to more reliable and acceptable sources.

And I posted earlier, Wikipedia is infinitely more reliable as a source as ANY religious text.


CyberLN's picture
You offered a bowl of words

Man in search, You offered a bowl of words but provided no answer to the question I asked.

Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: bowl of words

@Cyber Re: bowl of words

Hey, word soup isn't so bad if you add a bit of soy sauce. Well, and maybe a little dash of hot pepper seasoning just to spice it up a bit.

arakish's picture


Wow! It just did dawn on me why ROYISM wants me to elaborate how I can determine my belief that ALL human beings have integrity, dignity, and worth using: empathy, rationality, logic, reason, deduction, critical thinking, sympathy, analytical thought, and the greatest one of all, LOVE.

It is due to the fact that he no longer has any empathy, rationality, logic, reason, deduction, critical thinking, sympathy, analytical thought, and the greatest one of all, LOVE due to the retardation caused by his religious beliefs.

Well, during my next few days off, I shall ponder this and write it up. 'Til then. Love ya. **hand kiss** **blow**


P.S. — I know I have mentioned in other posts that I "have a low opinion of ALL Absolutists." I also said I love all humans. This is NOT contradictory. My low opinion of Absolutists does not mean I do not love them any less as humans. Think about it.

myusernamekthx's picture
"If anyone will not welcome

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that house or town." Matthew 10:14

Old man shouts at clouds's picture


Bye bye then. Nice knowing you.

Oh and leave the dust it's ours.

I sense another fly by proselytiser.

myusernamekthx's picture
I'm answering the original

I'm answering the original question. What's the problem?

I just came here to see if atheism has been hijacked by SJWs. I may make a few other posts if I'm not banned for "bullying" or some other nonsense. We'll see.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Myuser

@ Myuser

Well, you certainly get off on the wrong foot when you use a pejorative term like "SJW" within minutes of joining a new forum. You know nobody here, yet already, you are making poor assumptions.

Seems to me you have already made up your mind judging by your responses so far.

I doubt, judging by the evidence you have displayed so far that you could bully anyone here, you have displayed neither the intellectual reach nor the original wit to outclass anyone I have come across in this corner of the internet.

Good luck, welcome to the forums...should be fun.

myusernamekthx's picture
"Well, you certainly get off

"Well, you certainly get off on the wrong foot when you use a pejorative term like "SJW" within minutes of joining a new forum. You know nobody here, yet already, you are making poor assumptions."

No. There are in fact SJWs here. I'm talking to one right now.

"I doubt, judging by the evidence you have displayed so far that you could bully anyone here, you have displayed neither the intellectual reach nor the original wit to outclass anyone I have come across in this corner of the internet."


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Petal Breath

@ Petal Breath

The terms pre supposition and confirmation bias spring to mind with each of your obviously troll like posts. Go on, off back under that bridge.

Go ask Mummy for an extra half hour on the internet. It must be bedtime for you soon.

Sapporo's picture
@Petal Breath

@Petal Breath
Defining someone as a SJW is your belief, not a fact. You should not confuse your opinion with objective reality.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - Kids probably don’t

Dumb Ox - Kids probably don’t have the ability to fight couches until they are in high school and even then that’s problematic.

Dumb Ox - Furthermore, the primary end of physical punishments of couches is not to get their players in shape.


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
Apologies to ALL.

Apologies to ALL.

Sorry, but I fell ill again. Under orders to take it easy. As if I had a choice. Couldn't do much else.

I see Dumb Ox is still making the same arguments against what I have already said was wrong with corporal punishment. And y'all are repeating it, and he still does not get it?

Seems s/he used the wrong animal in his/her username...

Anyway, thanks y'all for saying the same as I would.


I have read your last post. Sorry for not getting back, but you fall ill...



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