Theists, define your deity(ies) once and for all!

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arakish's picture
So his posts were removed as

So his posts were removed as well?


Nyarlathotep's picture
Yes, while he was being

Yes, while he was being removed (and his posts deleted), people were replying to him, and those posts where lost as well. Which is why there is confusion about who Ronald is.

arakish's picture
Ahh... OK. Now I see. Yeah

Ahh... OK. Now I see. Yeah I was confused. Thanks for clarifying.


Mary9121's picture
I want to try to give my best

I want to try to give my best answer. How would you like me to define? Not using verbs of course.

Cognostic's picture
@Maddie. "How would you

@Maddie. "How would you like me to define my deity."
Now that's funny!!!!! So far you are not off to a good start. What we have learned so far about your deity is that you KNOW it is real but its reality is SUBJECTIVE. Have you not already painted yourself into a corner?

Mary9121's picture


Oh, as in what way? What way to describe? That’s a reasonable question. e.g. How would you describe your friend? Physically, personally, morally, what have you. I need to know what is being asked to give an honest and thoughtful answer. Do I simply say the first thing that comes to mind without clarifying? I don’t like to do things that way.

dogalmighty's picture
You call yourself a christian

You call yourself a about starting with your beliefs in relation to all the main tenets of christianity. Please don't be purposefully obtuse or vague. Dishonesty is a hallmark of apologetics, which we are painfully attuned to. No atheist on this site will miss these traits or respond positively to said.

Cognostic's picture
So not only are we using the

@Maddie: So not only are we using the argument from personal experience but we are going to mix in a bit of presuppositional nonsense.

It's your magical, invisible, non-corporal, existing without existing, sky being. How in the hell will I know what to ask without you explaining what you are talking about first?


David Killens's picture


You appear to be a mature and intelligent person who has embraced this god concept all of your life. You should have a darn good concept by now, so just let it out.

For any topic that I am personally passionate about and have embraced for many years, if you ask my opinion, it will come out immediately. I do not have to watch my words or be hesitant on informing anyone on the subject.

What I suspect is the traditional evasive concept of something that really does not exist in this universe, is unproveable, and beyond examination.

Unfortunately Maddie, your reluctance has raised a red flag.

toto974's picture
The "not existing in any

The "not existing in any dimension" of Fahad made me laugh.

It seems theists usually don't know what the word UNIverse means.

Fahad's picture
I'm happy it made you laugh.

I'm happy it made you laugh.
Idk what you mean by universe. What I meant is beyond our universe, there is sth, cause According to Islamic beliefs, God is dimensional less, God is not up there in skies, he is not sitting somewhere, he has no physical existence, cause As the verse Stated, there's nothing like him. We can have subjective proof about the existemce of God, but not the objective one. And yes, these beliefs were made in 7th century, when probably no one took dimensions seriously in Arabia or the sorrounding areas.
But you know, it looks like pagans and you have sth in common, you ask same questions, they used to kill their daughters after birth from the fear of food availability and poverty, you kill them in womb, they used to gamble, you do too, they were becoming more and more rich by eating Poor's flesh, you do same too.

arakish's picture
Hey Tin-Man!

Hey Tin-Man!

You got that Pollock Dinner Jacket back from the dry cleaners yet?


toto974's picture

You have to distinguish between the "observable" Universe, what we can detect, and the hypothetical, see "HYPOTHETICAL" greater Universe.

Here a definition from here :

universe (n.)

1580s, "the whole world, cosmos, the totality of existing things," from Old French univers (12c.), from Latin universum "all things, everybody, all people, the whole world," noun use of neuter of adjective universus "all together, all in one, whole, entire, relating to all," literally "turned into one," from unus "one" (from PIE root *oi-no- "one, unique") + versus, past participle of vertere "to turn, turn back, be turned; convert, transform, translate; be changed" (from PIE root *wer- (2) "to turn, bend").

Provide the necessary verses for you assertion that God has no physical existence, dimensional less and is not is the sky. If he isn't in the sky, why did your prophet rode a flying horse to reach him?

Provide evidence of an "out of the universe" place?

What do you mean by no physical existence? What do you mean by dimensional less?

The cultural, religious practices of ancient pagan Arabians is irrelevant on the question. At last, you are using ad hominem attacks on me...Continue and you will quicky be removed from the site.

Cognostic's picture

You can not talk about what is beyond our universe. You can not talk about before the big bang and you can not talk about what is beyond the stars. The universe we live in is moving so fast away from us that we will never catch up to its edge. The "big bang" is so small that our physics breaks down/ It is completely absurd to talk about "time or space" before our time and space. We have no idea at all what that wold be. None. Not your god. not blue universe creating bunnies. Not a natural cause, NONE/ When you make the assertion that you know what is beyond time and space you sound like an idiot. This is the standard God of the Gaps fallacy. If you are going to assert it you have to prove it. If you could prove it, you would have a Nobel prize.

Craybelieves's picture


Awww come on! You’ve ruled out blue universe creating bunnies. That’s not fair!

David Killens's picture
I know, just soooo unfair.

I know, just soooo unfair.



Sheldon's picture
@ Fahad

@ Fahad

How is it possible to accurately define a deity (or anything else) without offering any objective evidence to support that definition?

"We can proof God is there, how? We evaluate what God gave us, In my opinion Quran."

So I ask for objective evidence and you offer a repetition of your unevidenced opinion about koran? Again if the koran contains any objective evidence for your deity then please demonstrate it here, it should be easy, yet all you keep doing is repeating your unevidenced opinion. I'm not going to research your claim for you.

"this thread is not about this. It was about defining, not proving."

Once again then since this simple facts seems to be lost on you, one cannot accurately define anything without sufficient objective evidence. Your definition was nothing more than a string of unevidenced assumptions, as theists and religious apologists always seem wont to do. Now I will keep asking for evidence as long as theists keep making claims without it, nor does this require a new thread, as it it is entirely apropos for your claims in this thread.

Now what objective evidence can you demonstrate for your deity or your definition of it?

Allahonly's picture
Atheist believe there is no

Atheist believe there is no God and human started from a single cell by a chemical reaction .what produced quarks before the proton and nuetron were formed.Atheist believe cars were made ,trains ,aeroplane were made and wouldn't have Being on existence if they were not made.How much more of the complex machine (human being) with configuration that solves problems.The questions should have been how mighty is who must have created we humans complex machines.We shouldn't decieve ourselves for the same sciences says anything that is not activated by any energy can never be displaced from it did the first energy came into existence to have started that life.come to think of it humans are both male and female how did nature perfect it to get a counterpart to reproduce does nature reason like we humans, if you say yes then you have the answer to the existence of God as well if you say 'No' then you still have the answer to the existence of God as well because it takes supernatural entity to have created that energy to initiate that quarks before the process began.

Tin-Man's picture
@Abdul Re: "...then you

@Abdul Re: "...then you still have the answer to the existence of God as well because it takes supernatural entity to have created that energy to initiate that quarks before the process began."

Sooooooo.... By that "reasoning" (using that term VERY loosely, by the way... *rolling eyes*...), what supernatural entity created your God? After all, as you just said, something that incredibly complex HAD to be created by something, right?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Abdul - Atheist believe there

Abdul - Atheist believe ... human started from a single cell by a chemical reaction.

That is NOT a tenet of atheism.

Abdul - what produced quarks before the proton and [neutron] were formed.

In cosmology, it is called reheating.

Abdul - how did the first energy came into existence to have started that life.

Energy (differences) surely existed before life existed.

Abdul - the same sciences says anything that is not activated by any energy can never be displaced from it states

Uhhh, that sounds very wrong.

Cognostic's picture

Not only are you late to the party but you have no idea at all what you are talking about. You have no understanding of atheism, no understanding of biology, no understanding of science, no understanding of nature, and most certainly no understanding of anything we could call supernatural. Thanks for your participation. We will file your comments away so that when you grow up you can see how raving ignorant they were. Each and every comment you have made is ignorance piled upon ignorance.

1. Atheists do not believe there is no god. Atheists do not believe in God or gods. You have the burden of proof.

2. Humans did not start from a single cell. It takes two cells, a sperm cell and an egg cell.

3. Yes, atheists believe cars, trains, and airplanes were made. We know this because we make them.

4. Human beings are not cars, trains or airplanes. They are not complex machines. We are living organisms that occur naturally.
No car ever gave birth to a baby car. You can only differentiate the world of machines by comparison to the natural world.

5. How did you figure out the universe was "created." You could win a Nobel Prize for that one.

6. Even if the universe was created, where did you get the idea that it was a "Who" and not an "It" or a "They" that created it?

7. Now you are alleging there was a first energy that came into existence. Got any evidence? Another Nobel Prize here.

8. Humans are both male and female and hermaphrodite, micro-phallus, androgynous, asexual, bi-gender, gender non-conforming,
intersex, pansexuals, homosexuals and a whole lot more I can't even think of. (Nature, my friend, is amazingly diverse and there
in lies its perfection. The absolute and utter ignorance of your comments are contradicted a billion times over by the facts of

9. " it takes supernatural entity to have created that energy to initiate that quarks before the process began." More inane assertions presented without facts or evidence supporting them. Please provide evidence for anything at all "supernatural."

I am so happy this is a uni-bomb attack. Can you imagine if this rant went on for pages. All of us at AR would lose IQ points just trying to respond on a level that the OP could understand.

Tin-Man's picture
@Abdul Re: "Atheist believe.

@Abdul Re: "Atheist believe...human started from a single cell by a chemical reaction."

Nuh-uhhh, Mr. Smartie Pants! I am an atheist, and I believe humans were started when a stork delivered the very first baby to a cabbage patch. So THERE!... *crossing arms across chest*... *sticking out tongue*...

arakish's picture
@ Abdul

@ Abdul

Let me guess. You are either a sockpuppet for Fahad or, you are a friend of Fahad's whom he convinced to come here and get spanked. Did Fahad tell you that I love giving ideas a good spanking?

Let me know either.


Kafei's picture
I don't think any atheist can

I don't think any theist can sit here and sum it up in a single post. I mean, just listen to Leo Gura attempt it, and he takes like 6 hours to discuss this very thing.

toto974's picture
They most likely can't and

They most likely can't and WON'T because they know they have a ridiculous belief?


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