I know it's hard for atheists to grasp the concept of divine wrath, but I at least expect you guys to be capable of some form basic intelligent reasoning.What you call genocide in the Bible is nothing more than God manifesting His Divine Wrath and punishing nations for their sins/crimes.
Genocide on the other hand means the killing of a group of people specifically because of their racial attributes or because they practice a particular religion.
As for what you call slavery in the Bible, it was more of indentured servitude. In indentured servitude, it is not the human being who is owned, rather it is his ability to work which belongs to his master and it was usually for the purpose of paying off debts.
As for talking snakes and talking donkeys, the Bible doesn't credit snakes or donkeys with a natural ability to talk, rather the talking snake in the book of Genesis is able to speak because it has been possessed by Satan, while the talking donkey received the ability to talk only for one specific purpose on one specific occasion (to warn his master of imminent death). There is nowhere in the Bible where it is ever stated that speaking is a natural ability which animals possess like human beings.
As for misogyny in the Bible, please provide me with specific passages from the Bible where God regards women as being inferior to men.
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