Time is a circular eternal loop created by God!

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David Killens's picture
Jung, we follow the evidence
arakish's picture
Dan: "I am not showboating.
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "...I already
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man
arakish's picture
@ Dan
xenoview's picture
Cognostic's picture
OP: Infinite regress: There
Devans99's picture
Cognostic - the size of a
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - the size of a point
Cognostic's picture
1. Prove it.
Sapporo's picture
Actually, time is a circular
Cognostic's picture
Why is that more believable
Sapporo's picture
It isn't. Both are assertions
Devans99's picture
But I did prove it - see the
David Killens's picture
Umm, the fact that you used
Cognostic's picture
Sorry. I should have
Sapporo's picture
@Cognostic don't worry about
jontydavid's picture
@David Killens
David Killens's picture
My apologies. The confusion
arakish's picture
@ Jung
Cognostic's picture
Spaghetti O's are eternally
arakish's picture
@ Dan
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - Its all cause and
fordtheman77's picture
Hey guys, first time poster.
Cognostic's picture
When a neutron strikes a


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