What are your thoughts on evolution?

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SunDog's picture
Bravo! Where's the beef ?
TIME MAN's picture
A slave to earth, freedom to
algebe's picture
@TIME MAN: "yet you keep
Sky Pilot's picture
biggus dickus's picture
No No No, You say your god is
TIME MAN's picture
God knowing by being
TIME MAN's picture
mykcob4's picture
What a fucking load of
TIME MAN's picture
What verse of the Bible
Sky Pilot's picture
TIME MAN, "What verse of the
Apollo's picture
Apparently the atheist and
algebe's picture
TIME MAN's picture
I am a patient guy and I can
mykcob4's picture
@Time Man
SunDog's picture
No shit, man.
xenoview's picture
Have you proven your god is
LogicFTW's picture
I am growing increasingly
TIME MAN's picture
Spy's running around
Nyarlathotep's picture
TIME MAN - I'm a physicist
Nyarlathotep's picture
I guess the "physicist" isn't
LogicFTW's picture
No surprise there. Probably
Nyarlathotep's picture
bump, since TIME MAN is
LogicFTW's picture
Fear of knowledge eh? I
TIME MAN's picture
To ignore is the root of
xenoview's picture
You make the claims about
mykcob4's picture
Time Man CLAIMs that he is a
pijokela's picture
He uses sentences like this:
LogicFTW's picture
You are probably right.
mykcob4's picture
I looked up the list of
pijokela's picture
Just to bring this back to


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