What is the best atheists' argument against God existing?

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mickron88's picture
"You know in your heart
Sheldon's picture
"You know in your heart
Brad Jones's picture
I have a fun analogy
CyberLN's picture
Brad, you wrote, “If we come
mickron88's picture
and it is...leaves my
Sheldon's picture
"how come it’s not a purely
Brad Jones's picture
when He said “god why hath
CyberLN's picture
Read what? The Bible? Why
Sheldon's picture
So.eone writing a prophesy
Brad Jones's picture
It says his bones would be
Nyarlathotep's picture
Brad - All of this stuff is
mickron88's picture
"should only blow the mind of
Sheldon's picture
No offense but you seem
Brad Jones's picture
I just meant to reread psalm
Brad Jones's picture
Part one was finished hundred
Nyarlathotep's picture
Brad - Crucifixion wasn’t
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Brad
Sheldon's picture
What is Not you think the
Brad Jones's picture
Around 400 to 300 BC by the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Brad - What about people
Nyarlathotep's picture
Brad - [Crucifixion] around
mickron88's picture
seizures...its called
Sheldon's picture
"If there’s demons why can’t
Brad Jones's picture
I’m not a lunatic
Sheldon's picture
"There are plenty of notable
mickron88's picture
is god willing to prevent
Brad Jones's picture
Aren’t there plenty of videos
Sheldon's picture
A question is not
Nyarlathotep's picture
Brad - Aren’t there plenty
CyberLN's picture
Brad, to minimize confusion,


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