When someone describes God's characteristics and attributes, which ones make you not believe that it exists?
What characteristics and attributes of God would need to be amended (and how?) for you to believe that it exists?
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The fact that humans have to describe/ define a god should be a clue to god's fictional status.
Re: "What characteristics and attributes of God would need to be amended (and how?) for you to believe that it exists?"
Ya know, I may be just a brainless bucket of bolts, but that looks suspiciously like a loaded question. Hmmm... *scratching chin*
If you have to amend/change ANY of the attributes or characteristics of your god to get a person to believe it, then you have pretty much totally undermined that god and what it represents. Therefore, the individual would not be believing in the same god you originally presented. Duh.
$5 says this guy is drive-by god-botherer who never posts another message.
@Algebe Re: Bet
Damn, I should have taken your bet. Would have been an easy five bucks.
No Tim-man. You would have lost. Stay away from bets.
@John Re: Bets
Good advice on that one. I truly do suck at gambling. Guaranteed, had I taken that bet, that Ernie dude would have never made another post. LOL
Heeeeeeey...... You almost sound like you had some insider information on that. *chuckle*
@Ernie Sandal: What is it about God's definition
I've never heard a definition of god. Could you oblige us with one? Be sure to stipulate which god you're talking about. There have been so many. For example, there's Ra the Sun God, one-eyed Odin with his eight-legged horse, Jupiter with his thunderbolts, Amaterasu the Sun-Goddess of Japan, and Ranginui, the Sky Father of New Zealand.
Are you an atheist in relation to any of those?
If you're talking about Jehovah, the god of Abraham, I have problems with his actions. I'm seriously under-convinced by the story of a god who would put Adam and Eve in a garden with a forbidden tree and a snake and then kick them out for eating an apple so they would go forth and multiply until the world was filled with imperfect people who all had to be killed in a flood except for one alcoholic and his family on a boat, who went on to repopulate the world until it was again filled with imperfect people who could only be saved by making a virgin pregnant so she gave birth to god's son who was also god and had to be tortured to death to make everything right but then came back to life and has been reappearing ever since as wine and wafers.
Does any of that make sense to you?
Hey, I have a god that lives in my closet and keeps moths away. He also keeps my shoes deodorized and my clothes de-wrinkled. All he asks of me is that I sacrifice a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal to him each day during breakfast. Are there any attributes or characteristics I need to change to make you believe in him?
Re: Ernie
Me thinks this be another of thems drive-by posters.
"When someone describes God's characteristics and attributes, which ones make you not believe that it exists?"
When someone describes a unicorn's characteristics and attributes, which ones make you not believe that it exists?
Looks like Ernie came back and gave us all "Disagrees."
@Algebe Re: Disagrees
(In the voice of Jar Jar Binks) How whude...
@Tin-man: "How whude..."
How very furtive and Christian.
Obviously somebody did not like my Jar Jar Binks impression. Some people have no appreciation for the finer arts. Snobs.
@ Ernie
First supply proof that any god or gods exist and then we can talk attributes.
You are talking a "blind faith" not a reasonable belief in a provable deity.
Arguing the attributes to a god that cannot be proven is like counting the stripes on a unicorn and then saying "if there was one less I would have faith that unicorns exist"
Be careful with that 'dislike' button, it has a way of getting back at abusers.
Proving that something exists without first defining it is meaningless. You've already formed a definition, and you're the atheist, and I'm the one asking this question to you. Obviously you have already defined God to yourself, otherwise you wouldn't have an opinion on its existence. The question is, what characteristics / attributes does God have (as YOU define it) that makes YOU doubt its existence?
"what characteristics / attributes does a unicorn have (as YOU define it) that makes YOU doubt its existence?"
@ Ernie: We do not have to define water to know it exists. Dogs, Chimps, and Birds know it exists.
I wonder how many pages this thread will go on for before one of you actually answers the question.
Ernie: Read my first reply. Fiction is fiction.
Sometimes they never do lol. They typically attempt to disqualify the question rather than answer it. Focus on the one or two members that do engage in discussion.
John/ Ernie: What is it about this description of Vishnu that you would change so that you believe:
The blueness obviously, lavender is more realistic. That said, if I recall correctly, many on here have asked me to define God before. What for? Given people's objections on this thread, that seems like a pointless endeavor.
John: Perhaps the source of the definition is not credible. I mean that in a nice way, from one primate mammal to another!
@John 61X Breezy: They typically attempt to disqualify the question rather than answer it.
LOL. Well it is kind of like asking a group of teetotalers to write a wine-tasting guide.
I'm stealing that as well....
I see it more like asking teetotalers, what it is about wine that stops them from drinking it.
"You've already formed a definition, and you're the atheist, "
Why would I form a definition of something I don't believe is real? If you have objective evidence for a deity put it in the thread I started for such evidence, the thread is called EVIDENCE.
What is it about God's definition that makes you believe?
Which god are you talking about?