When religion is thrown at you b/c you have cancer. What to do?

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Koukla's picture
When religion is thrown at you b/c you have cancer. What to do?

Hello my fellow atheists, this is my first time on here.
Any of you have cancer? I was diagnosed with Stage IV in May 2015. Initially, I thought it was kind of Christians, Evangelists and Muslims to offer me their mumbo-jumbo and include me in their prayers. It has reached a point where I want to bash their heads in with a steel bat! They give all credit to their god! Apparently I've survived so far thanks to god's intervention. Basically, it had nothing to do with my medical team or my own will to fight. I can't take it anymore! They believe they're right and why do they assume it's OK to keep spewing that junk at me? I even had my mom's friend visit me at the hospital and she practically gave a sermon right then and there! I find it so offensive even if they mean well.
I've joined a couple of very helpful cancer groups and forums. There are so many patients who pray, offer their prayers and always include god in their posts! I don't want to help them, I don't want to be part of their discussion. Isn't that terrible of me? I don't care who they are until they insert their religion.
On a different note, I was outside the operating room and before being wheeled in, one of my surgeons assured me that I had great surgeons working on me and the "rest is up to god". What? I was so shocked, I wanted to jump off the stretcher and run. Let me add that she's been a great doctor but that god comment really threw me off.
How do I react to these people? I was raised in a christian home but it just didn't make any sense to me. My parents are believers but they do not impose their views on me.

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Big George's picture
How 'bout asking them if they
MCDennis's picture
Blasphemy. You obviously
Sky Pilot's picture
Koukla's picture
Hey Big George, perhaps that
algebe's picture
Hello Koukla:
Koukla's picture
Algebe, I remember that scene
Sheldon's picture
Sorry to hear you've been ill
Koukla's picture
Hi Sheldon, I believe the
CyberLN's picture
Hey Koukla, welcome to AR.
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Koukla! I would be
Koukla's picture
Hi CyberLN, I tried that on
carolelaine's picture
I'm sorry you are sick and
Koukla's picture
Thanks everyone! I got a real
Tin-Man's picture
@Koukla Re: "...no shortage
Koukla's picture
Now THAT I'd love to see!
Tin-Man's picture
Well, I try to keep my axe
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Right behind ya Rusty...ermm
Tin-Man's picture
Thanks for the back-up, Old
Sushisnake's picture
Koukla's picture
Hi Sushisnake, thanks for
Sushisnake's picture
Why is it the world respects
bigbill's picture
Well my heart goes out to you
Koukla's picture
Oh wow! AB, where does it
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Ignore him mate, he is a
Koukla's picture
Thanks, Old man who sho....
Tin-Man's picture
@AB/DC Re: Koukla
Sushisnake's picture
Why did you do that, AB? What
algebe's picture
@Agnostic believer: "There`s
Sheldon's picture
" Tell me it sounds like you
mykcob4's picture


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