Why can’t we prove there isn’t a god?

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Up To My Neck's picture
Why can’t we prove there isn’t a god?

The Bible tells us many times that anyone with faith can have prayers answered! That is a fact. Jesus says he wants a relationship with us! I myself, when I was young and trying to figure this part of my life out, used to ask Jesus to appear to me. Make a candle flicker, or make a curtain move while no air was blowing. I wanted proof! That’s all I wanted! He had no trouble appearing after he resurrected, but nothing happened. Over the past centuries, how many times have people prayed to have diseases removed from Earth? Fucking billions! Nothing happened. We prove things based on research and experimentation. We can all pray for Jesus to appear, we know he won’t. With this said, isn’t that proof enough?

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Cognostic's picture
@Pirate Jack: "Prove" would
Up To My Neck's picture
I really like the “bear in
Kafei's picture
The quote is "Absence of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kafei - I believe it's
LogicFTW's picture
Kafei's picture
I'm going to have to disagree
toto974's picture
Kafei's picture
It would be. For Einstein,
toto974's picture
If such an entity where to be
Sheldon's picture
Einstein was using the word
LogicFTW's picture
Kafei's picture
Yep agree probably much MUCH!
LogicFTW's picture
I apologize I edited the back
Kafei's picture
I don't really imagine a god,
LogicFTW's picture
Kafei's picture
Now the word god has many
LogicFTW's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Pirate Jack,
Up To My Neck's picture
Couldn’t agree more with you.
Sapporo's picture
Gods that have properties
Delaware's picture
@ Sapporo
Cognostic's picture
@JO: Go back and read the
Kafei's picture
I would point out that just
Cognostic's picture
@Kafei: "just because you
Kafei's picture
@CognosticPlease define your
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Kafei: RE: "The
Kafei's picture
Then why don't you have a
David Killens's picture
Kafei's picture
@David Killens"This God, if


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