Why can’t we prove there isn’t a god?

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Kafei's picture
@NyarlathotepYeah, I'm sure
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kafei - I don't have a
Kafei's picture
Okay, and I said aside from
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kafei - Dishonest editing?
Kafei's picture
I never plagiarized Terence
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kafei - I never plagiarized
Kafei's picture
Yes, and I did mention it was
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yes, and I did mention it was
Kafei's picture
Not really. I did, after all,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kafei - ...why don't you try
Kafei's picture
@NyarLast time I tried that,
xenoview's picture
@Theist(God believers)
Kafei's picture
Could you begin by initially
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
Very different from the
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
Well, what I meant there was
Sheldon's picture
Tue, 07/09/2019 - 10:45
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
Well, the Christian mystics
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
@xenoviewIf you have a vision
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
@xenoviewSo all god is, is a
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
@xenoviewHow do the orthodox
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
@xenoviewIf god can't reveal
xenoview's picture
Kafei's picture
So you are an eastern


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