Why Can't All See The Truth?

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LogicFTW's picture

Was the water in the puddle designed to fit the hole it lies in?
Also isnt design/fine tuning a human trait? So god may be an "it" but displays human like traits? Ever consider god has so many human like traits because... well we humans are the one that (obviously) came up with the concepts of god?

How can it be logical is there is zero evidence for it, but plenty and i do mean PLENTY of evidence against the idea of life after death?

I can almost prove circular time. I have a paper almost ready.

Maybe in a few dozen more life times in this "circular time" thing you propose? Maybe you already did prove it, but that was half a dozen "circular" time events ago? If you were to die right now does "time" restart for you, but not anyone else who is still alive? Or are you the center of the universe and everything revolves around your life? If time is circular, how did the big bang happen ~14 billion years ago? Was time not circular until the first instance you showed up to try life?

Have you figured out my last paragraph was sarcasm yet?
Stop watching sci fi movies and thinking there is actual real science. You are never going to finish that paper, here is a little hint: time is a human created concept of measurement, using one event to measure other events. Currently that human created measurement is the resonance frequency of cesium-133. Time does not "loop" you can not go backwards in time. Just like you cannot suddenly actually live in a "2 dimension plane" instead of our current dimension.



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Devans99's picture
A deist is a type of theist,

A deist is a type of theist, but its true deists have common ground with atheism. I do however belief in life after death (circular time) which is quite distinct from atheism.

I tend to use God to mean the creator(s) of the universe. So he must be pretty powerful but I doubt all powerful is possible in a material world (which I believe in).

I cannot quite prove time is circular, so the existence of God is of interest; if there was a God, a circular design for the universe seems more likely as that seems the Occam's razor solution to life after death.

arakish's picture
@ Dan

@ Dan

"A deist is a type of theist, but its true deists have common ground with atheism."


Deists have nothing in common with Atheists. Do you not understand Standard American English? Do you understand British English? So far you seem to have no grasp on English at all.

Deists are the same thing as Theists. The only difference is where their deity comes from.

Atheists believe no assertions of any deity existing. Nothing in common with Atheists.

You need to quit smoking whatever dope you are smoking. It has destroyed your capability to think, let alone think critically.


David Killens's picture


"I don't think God designed us, he used evolution to evolve us, and we are meant to use technology to finish the process of evolution."

So this creature (that you repeatedly refer as "god") laid the foundations of the universe, set all the physical laws, then stepped back so .. what? We could evolve? Why?

Why would such a powerful entity create the universe and set in motion a very long process of evolution, instead of just cutting through the red tape and making man in it's final state immediately?

arakish's picture
@ billy zarcone

@ billy zarcone

Personal experiences are inadmissible as evidence. It MUST be objective hard empirical evidence. If it cannot be verified or falsified, it ain't evidence.


Cognostic's picture
billy zarcone: Notice that

billy zarcone: Notice that you said absolutely nothing about anything in your life that was unusual. NO EVIDENCE WHAT SO EVER. Amputees do not deter you - We know that. That's the problem. You believe because you want to believe. That is all./ Nothing more. All the other shit you say is just STUPID.

Yes. I singled out amputees because they are a wonderful example of your God's ineptitude. The question was, "Can you demonstrate god helping you in any way." So far the answer seems to be "No." You must demonstrate a direct link to the god that helped you and not just something that commonly occurs with or without God. If God grew back your legs after a shark bit them off, and you could demonstrate that with documentation, well that might be quite persuasive. Even better if he did it on a 20/20 special with 500 witnesses in a brightly lit room. Religious people have been conning you since the day you began believing. Prove God has helped you in any way at all that would lead a rational thinker back to "God must have done it. "

humblebill's picture
My benovolent God saved me

My benovolent God saved me from an an gry crowd, it was a mistake of identity, they had punched me and were going to do much more until a family jewish family came riding by and told me to get in there car and we sped off. yes as far as i`m concerned nobody would get involved in something as terrible as that, but yet they risked there own personal liability for me who was a perfect stranger to them. yes Cognostic there is a God and i sure hope that you don`t experience what i had in your lifetime.

Cognostic's picture
Ha ha ha .... so a Jewish

Ha ha ha .... so a Jewish family in a car saved you. NOT GOD. They risked their lives and you turned around and thanked your God. What an un-thankful ASS you are. I would have thrown you back in the car and taken you back to the crowd. What a dick!!!

You keep saying there is a god. How do you know that? You said you were going to cite some evidence. all you said was that a family rescued you. Why in the hell would you thank your vague notion of a God and not the family? Wow, what a terrible experience (tongue in cheek) no one has ever had anything similar to that! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. This is all you have? Perhaps if you gave us your BEST EXAMPLE of a Godly intervention. This one was really, really, really, weak. And it is something that could have happened to anyone.

humblebill's picture
The jewish family was working

The jewish family was working i BElieve under Gods guidance.Of course i thanked them, but you know Cognostic that i wasn`t really practicing my faith as I do today.Some times I go to the local market here and i wind up having the exact change. has that happened to you it happens to me quite often.I see the glimses of God all around me.How can you put a measuring rod on my story being weak.By what standard are you measuring by, is it because you know that i`m a Christian? So What is your take of a Godly intervention?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Billy

@ Billy

"How can you put a measuring rod on my story being weak"

You have right change sometimes...wow...I'm converted. Fuck me sideways on a donkey, mate...that is as weak as piss. *starts laughing* "Hey guys I went for a beer and guess what I had exactly $5 in change...therefore god..." *staggers off to the pub with a $5.00 note in his pocket*

Cognostic's picture

FFS: OMS --- WARN ME WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO BE FUNNY!!! Damn it, I just blew hot coffee out my nose and onto my keyboard.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog

@ Cog

I refer you to The Third Commandment od AR as delivered by Arakish(pubh) who is the patron saint of dry keyboards and slightly dampened cats.

Cognostic's picture
Have him come over here and

Have him come over here and wipe up this mess!!!

Cognostic's picture
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... You said "Under god's guidance" Can you prove it? What if they were just out for a drive? Ha ha ha ha ah...

WOHHHHH! Exact change! "IT'S A MIRACLE." I am certain that none of these things has ever happened to a heathen atheist. (Seriously - is this the best you have?) Someone gave you a ride in a car and when you went to the market one day you had exact change in your pocket? Really? These are god's miracles. Babies are starving to death. Children are dying of cancer. Mothers are having deformed babies. Families are killed in tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes, but your God makes sure you have exact change at the supermarket and that you have a ride in a car. YOUR GOD IS AN IDIOT! If this is all you got. How can I put a measuring rod on your story ----- seriously? JUST LISTEN TO YOUR STORY. WHAT STANDARD AM I USING - how about common decency. If I had a choice between giving you a ride in a car of making sure you had the exact amount of change in your pocket do you think for an instant I would opt to do that over saving a starving child or allowing one to be born deformed. Your God is an absolute schmuck if that is all you got.

Not only that: Why in the hell wouldn't you refuse God's help and tell him to go save a child. What kind of person are you. "Hey god, ignore the starving children and give me exact change at the market again."
What in the hell kind of human being are you? You waste your God's time while babies starve and die so you can have exact change.

I have already told you what I would accept as a Godly intervention. He can start growing back limbs. If everyone in the world who had lost their arms or legs suddenly had arms and legs again, that would be quite remarkable. Of course we would have to rule out some new genetic mutation. But if we could link it directly to a God it would be quite amazing. You got anything like that?

LostLocke's picture
How would you tell or

How would you tell or demonstrate the difference between a family that came to save you under god's direction, vs a family that came to save you out of their own choice or were just there by luck?

Tin-Man's picture
BILLY!.... Billy-billy-billy.

BILLY!.... Billy-billy-billy... Ya know what? It just dawned on me today that there is something very familiar about you. Yep, I just realized today that you sound almost exactly like a dear old theist friend of ours who got banished into the cyber world a few months ago. Good to have you back, FIG (aka: AB, DC, Billy). You have been missed... *chuckle*... *talking in low whisper*... (don't worry, though. i won't tell anybody. your secret is safe with me... *wink-wink*...)

Tin-Man's picture
Re: The assault on Billy Z

Re: The assault on Billy Z

Ah-hah!!!... I figured out what happened! See, at first I was wondering why such a loving, caring, benevolent god would purposely place dear little Billy in such a dangerous and harmful situation. And then I remembered Billy said he was being attacked due to a case of mistaken identity. Of course! It is SO obvious now.... *hitting forehead with heel of hand*.... Here's what I think happened....

Somewhere there is another dude who looks a lot like Billy, and god was really pissed at the other dude for "being a wicked soul". (That tends to get many people killed in the bible.) So, one day Billy is walking down the street minding his own business when god looks down and goes, "Ah-hah! There's that little wicked bastard!" (Hey, in all fairness, god is really old and his eyesight ain't as good as it once was. Plus, he was a long way away.) Anyway, god then orders a group of his rightous enforcers to surround our poor Billy to beat the hell out of him.

However, just as the possee gets started, God puts on his glasses to watch the show and realizes, "Oh, shit! Wrong guy! That's my dear faithful Billy! Aw, crap! Gotta get him out of there." So god then spots the Jewish family driving by and orders them to stop and save Billy. And to make up for his mistake, god makes sure Billy has exact change during his next retail purchase. The End.

Sapporo's picture
billy zarcone: My benovolent

billy zarcone: My benovolent God saved me from an an gry crowd, it was a mistake of identity, they had punched me and were going to do much more until a family jewish family came riding by and told me to get in there car and we sped off. yes as far as i`m concerned nobody would get involved in something as terrible as that, but yet they risked there own personal liability for me who was a perfect stranger to them. yes Cognostic there is a God and i sure hope that you don`t experience what i had in your lifetime.

Presumably the person who evaded being beaten up had an even more benevolent god.

Tin-Man's picture
@Billy Z Re: "....there is a

@Billy Z Re: "....there is a God and i sure hope that you don`t experience what i had in your lifetime."

Hmmm... Not for nothin', but if getting jumped by a group of people and getting out alive is the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life, then you have a mighty looooong way to go to catch up with what others (including myself) have endured over the years. But, hey, it's your pity party. Cry if you want to.

Sky Pilot's picture
billy zarcone,

billy zarcone,

"...until a family jewish family came riding by and told me to get in there car and we sped off."

You were lucky you didn't get kidnapped and robbed or murdered by the people who picked you up. If that had happened would you have thought that your God was being benevolent or just a mean prick?

David Killens's picture
I once hit all green lights

I once hit all green lights in my 20 minute drive home from work.

Obviously god wanted me to get home quickly so I could see Oprah on TV.

David Killens's picture
Sure, there have been things

Sure, there have been things that happened where I did not have an explanation. But contrary to your actions where you approach the automatic door and it slides aside, you claim god and I do some investigating and learn about what really happened.

Claiming god for the unknown is the lazy idiot's way out of understanding this universe.

humblebill's picture
Some things just don`t have

Some things just don`t have an explanation.ive seen it happened countless number of times in my life.

arakish's picture
@ billy zarcone

@ billy zarcone

So you admit to smoking pot and witnessing something you hallucinated?


Cognostic's picture
Yea right, families go for

Yea right, families go for drives without explanation. Sometimes you find the exact amount of change in your pocket at the store without explanation. Babies die in horrible ways without God's intervention and no explanation. Tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, disease, tragic accidents and more kill millions of people without God's intervention and absolutely not explanation at all. That's because "God moves in mysterious ways/" Either that, or (based on all you have said) he is a dumbfuck!

Cognostic's picture
BILLY: "Some things just don

BILLY: "Some things just don`t have an explanation.ive seen it happened countless number of times in my life."

And the explanation for these events is ---- "I can't explain it." not "God."

xenoview's picture

I have experience several things that amazed me, but no god was required. My first time having sex, meeting my girlfriend, the birth of my children, and the birth of my grandchild.

David Killens's picture
Having sex is an amazing

Having sex is an amazing experience?

With another person?

Cognostic's picture
That's just stupid. Why

That's just stupid. Why would anyone get naked in front of another person?

LogicFTW's picture
No kidding. Clothes are

No kidding. Clothes are stupid, I just stay naked all the time if I can, no need to get naked infront of another person if you are already naked!

But yeah, I do wear clothes sometimes, because I pretty much have too, so I do not end up on a list somewhere banning me from all areas where the kids are.

Kidding, (good or bad pun here?,).. sort of.

Maybe I just had some of that eggnog arakish and tinman are drinking...


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