Why do so many atheists deny the existence of an historical Jesus?

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James Kirk's picture
I was in your camp too but
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ MA
James Kirk's picture
How am I lying about Carrier
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ MA Fuckas sake mate
James Kirk's picture
Are you kidding me? What do
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Well said Mikhael. Have an
boomer47's picture
@Militant Atheist :
James Kirk's picture
As far as I'm aware there is
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ MA
James Kirk's picture
Isn't it brutally obvious
David Killens's picture
FFS please, when you quote
James Kirk's picture
Stop whining. It's not
Cognostic's picture
RE: Militant_Atheist:
James Kirk's picture
I've given you more than
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Militant Atheist
Tin-Man's picture
@MA Re: "As far as we know,
James Kirk's picture
That's actually a counter to
Cognostic's picture
RE: Romans 1:3 (Nothing
James Kirk's picture
In Romans 1:3, Paul literally


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David Killens's picture
Referenece your post (#38)
Cognostic's picture
James Kirk's picture
You don't understand the
Cognostic's picture
Now quoting the Bible as if
David Killens's picture
Cog, I don't think he
Cognostic's picture
@David: I think we have
James Kirk's picture
You reveal your ignorance of
James Kirk's picture
The "bible" is an anachronism
Sheldon's picture
"The existence of an
James Kirk's picture
It's no more compelling than
Sheldon's picture
Militant_Atheist "who as to


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