Why do we have the making love experience & how does it come about

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Senta Christine's picture
Why do we have the making love experience & how does it come about



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Nyarlathotep's picture


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Senta Christine's picture
I am sorry to hear that
arakish's picture
So, I guess you are sorry for
Senta Christine's picture
I am female.
arakish's picture
Still applicable. rmfr
Cognostic's picture
I doubt it.
Cognostic's picture
I fall in love with every
Senta Christine's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Simples We "all" do not.
Senta Christine's picture
Are you talking about priests
CyberLN's picture
How does it come about? It
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Senta Christine's picture
Have it your way. You know I
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Santa
Senta Christine's picture
Heck no, I was raised by
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta
Senta Christine's picture
I guess it was worded
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Santa
Senta Christine's picture
You have been misled. No one
Dragonfly's picture
You're wrong on both counts.
Senta Christine's picture
That is not child marriage.
algebe's picture
Back in the 1960s, Jerry Lee
arakish's picture
And if I remember correctly,
arakish's picture
Found it.
Dragonfly's picture
In case you're still lurking,
Tin-Man's picture
@Senta Re: "No one in the
David Killens's picture
You are living in a fantasy
David Killens's picture
Did it ever hit your brain
arakish's picture
@ David
David Killens's picture
But we compensate by having


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