Why do we have the making love experience & how does it come about

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta

@ Senta
More made up unevidenced bollocks...la la land is your real address right? Jeez, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse?

Stop making things up, stop with the assertions and do stop lying.

Senta Christine's picture
What is it that you think I

What is it that you think I lied about? For your information, I do not lie. So please state clearly what it is you think I said that was in any way a lie. I have my own beliefs. I don't think much of yours either, but we are both entitled to have them

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta

@ Senta

Primus: Definition of Lie: say something untrue, tell an untruth, tell a lie, tell a falsehood, fib, fabricate, invent a story, make up a story, falsify, dissemble, dissimulate, bear false witness

The items in bold describe most of your posts. You have asserted plenty, evidenced nothing and still carry on...LYING.

Secundus: You know nothing of my beliefs or lack of.

Yes you can have all the silly ideas you like, but the moment you make them public you stand the chance of your ideas and beliefs being mocked...as they deserve in this case. Don't boo hoo or stamp your feet, you came here with your half formed cockamamie new age bullshit and made up stats making appeal to ignorance, populum and just plain old cherry pickin'. Then you get huffy because your lies are called out? LOL.

Back to your candles and dream catchers ....you got nothin'.

Senta Christine's picture
What made up stats? You are

What made up stats? You are seriously insane. I am not New Age and I don't believe in dream catchers. I said my beliefs are eclectic like many New Agers

Tin-Man's picture
Re: Senta - "I am not New Age

Re: Senta - "I am not New Age.... I said my beliefs are eclectic like many New Agers."

*banging head repeatedly against concrete wall*.... Somebody, please just shoot me now..... *groooooan*....

arakish's picture
Actually Dream Catchers are

Actually Dream Catchers are NOT new age. They are quite ancient. Native Americans have been making Dream Catchers for thousands of years.


Sheldon's picture
That's still a bare appeal to

That's still a bare appeal to numbers. A common logical fallacy called argumentum ad populum.


Dragonfly's picture
Why does it bother you that

Why does it bother you that atheists don't believe what you believe? Do you think they're going to hell?

Senta Christine's picture
I think this is hell. And no,

I think this is hell. And no, I do not care if you stay atheist. Stay atheist, please do.

Sheldon's picture
"I do not care if you stay

"I do not care if you stay atheist. Stay atheist, please do."

Then why come here with your vapid sententious BS? You clearly have zero interest in reasoned discussion, or anything approaching rational debate. All you do is real off endless unevidenced claims and arguments based on cliched fallacious apologetics.

David Killens's picture
She refuses to debate, she

She refuses to debate, she spouts all kind of fantasy crap, and her arrogance proves she has her head so far up her ass she can't see straight or think with clarity. No, not a troll, just a genuine jerk.

Go away little twerp, make up a sign and just stand on 101 and make the motorists wonder what kind of weirdo you are.

Tin-Man's picture
@Senta Re: "I have already

@Senta Re: "I have already stated that I have a facebook page with pictures of myself and friends and family for very easy verifcation."

Awww... How wonderful for you. Hey, I have a friend who is a magic dragon. His name is Puff, and he lives in a place called Honahlee. It's some kind of "mystical" place down by the sea somewhere. He swings by every now and then just to hang out a bit. Usually, though, he just prefers to stay near his home and frolic in the autumn mist. Yeah... He's rather strange like that... *shrugging shoulders*...

Cognostic's picture
RE: If someone is simply a

RE: If someone is simply a deist who isn't from an evangelical religion of some kind, why spend so much time on an atheist forum, trying to convince atheists that your god exists?

Because they are an 87 year old perverted ex-preacher named Ralph looking to have a bit of fun trolling atheist sites and pretending to be an ignorant little 13 year old girl.

arakish's picture
Took me awhile but I finally

Took me awhile but I finally dug it up.

Whom dost thou thinkest it may depict?



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xenoview's picture
Welcome to AR Santa!

Welcome to AR Santa!

Bad Santa's picture
And greetings to you xenoview

And greetings to you xenoview


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