Why don’t some atheists acknowledge Gods existence is reasonable?

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AJ777's picture
I believe that the Bible is
Burn Your Bible's picture
that is not a truth that is
AJ777's picture
Huh, not everything that’s
Sheldon's picture
"I believe that the Bible is
Keith Raye's picture
@AJ777 Which bible are you
AJ777's picture
ESV or NASB new and Old
LostLocke's picture
I would. But sorry, I'm not
Flamenca's picture
Most of us were believers
Sheldon's picture
"Still looking for an honest
CyberLN's picture
Help me understand what you
AJ777's picture
I personally believe in the
xenoview's picture
AJ777's picture
Those answers are in the
xenoview's picture
Thinker's picture
Science is based in logic and
CyberLN's picture
To follow on with your
Keith Raye's picture
algebe's picture
@AJ777: "What would a
Aposteriori unum's picture
If something exists outside
Sheldon's picture
" A good definition of
Mohammad Ali's picture
Because its not.There is no


Attach Image/Video?: 

AJ777's picture
If a creator exists already
Mohammad Ali's picture
I was talking about the
AJ777's picture
Something not making sense to
Mohammad Ali's picture
Well it IS a paradox whether
xenoview's picture
Your god only created Adam
Sheldon's picture
"God exists outside of time."
xenoview's picture
AJ777's picture
A religion is simply a set of
xenoview's picture


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