Why don’t some atheists acknowledge Gods existence is reasonable?
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I believe that the Bible is literally true, but not every truth in the Bible is literal. For example Jesus said he was a door and a vine. I don’t believe he is actually a door or a vine, but like a door and a vine.
that is not a truth that is an analogy... please give me a literal truth that is not actually literal.
Huh, not everything that’s true in the Bible is expressed literally
"I believe that the Bible is literally true, but not every truth in the Bible is literal. "
How do you 'objectively' determine which are literal truths and which not?
@AJ777 Which bible are you talking about - the Hebrew, the Greek, the Latin, the King James, the Modern, or your own version?
ESV or NASB new and Old Testament.
I would. But sorry, I'm not going to watch 88 minutes for the possibility, the very slight possibility, that this guy will say something I've never heard before.
Most of us were believers before, so the majority of the so-called proofs are no news to us...
And @Aj, by the way, adding a time-line guide with the hotspots in the video, those really really amazing arguments that you think will freak us out, would be very kind of you and it surely encourages the view and helps the debate.
"Still looking for an honest atheist burny. Lostlocke, be skeptical of your skepticism"
While you're looking perhaps you can now answer my question, how do you know that what you claim is moral in the bible is actually moral, even with special pleading and assigning it to a deity, and even if you could demonstrate evidence for that deity, how do you know what it commands is moral?
I've asked several times and all you do is repeat your claim that objective morality can only come from your deity.
Help me understand what you mean by 'reasonable'. Also, to which god do you refer?
I personally believe in the Protestant Christian God, however when I used the term God in the title of this post I was referring to a creator of the universe that exists outside of time, space, and matter. A good definition of reasonable is that which is used in law courts. What would a reasonable person tend to believe given a set of facts with no previous biased opinions.
How do you know your god exist outside of time, space, and matter? What evidence do you have your god is real?
Those answers are in the video link if you’re interested, as someone already posted you may want to skip around to a part you find interesting. In order to create something the creator must already exist outside of the creation. The universe had a beginning at the Big Bang. Time, matter, space, came into existence at the Big Bang according to many scientists much smarter than me. Something (the universe) doesn’t come from nothing. God can be thought of simply as the something that the universe came from.
I asked you the question. I have no interest in listing to a guy trying to sell a book or get you to watch him on tv. So AJ, what evidence do you have that a god exist outside of time, space, and matter?
Science is based in logic and experiments that have the same end result time and time again
To follow on with your example of courts of law (U.S. courts?), reasonable doubt is typically appropriate when there is no physical evidence. Physical evidence in said courts, is typically scientific in nature. If that sort of evidence was provided, then an examination of it might be in order.
Oh, so your god's a protestant, is he? Jesus wasn't. But apart from that, you're saying that the Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Mormons and etc etc ad infinitum, are all wrong. At least we're making progress.
@AJ777: "What would a reasonable person tend to believe given a set of facts with no previous biased opinions."
Is this reasonable person an educated human being who understands logic and the scientific method, or is he a prehistoric goat-herder living in a patriarchal nomadic tribal society? If you're going to appeal to the "man in the street", you'd better define him first.
If something exists outside of space and time how do you know it exists? If it doesn't exist in time it can be said to exist for no time at all. In other words it doesn't exists at all and never did. If it doesn't exist in space, where is it? How can it affect something that does exist in space? How do you know? None of this is demonstrable in the slightest because we exist in both space and time.
And since the bible doesn't say anything like "god exists outside of space and time" where are you even getting this assertion from? How did a being that has existed for zero time find the time to inspire the writing of the book in the first place?
Your claims bring up a great many questions. Since you said earlier that you have evidence I would love to see it. It would absolutely change so many things we know about quantum field theory, general relativity and so many other fields of science. I'm so excited.
" A good definition of reasonable is that which is used in law courts. What would a reasonable person tend to believe given a set of facts with no previous biased opinions."
And you think supernatural claims you can demonstrate no empirical evidence for fall into that category?
Because its not.There is no evidence for it. We don't know the origin of the universe (or that of life) but that does not mean we need to invoke a creator who created this universe with a sense of purpose to it.Its we who did that.As for 'god' who\which has always been defined as 'all powerful,all knowing, and all loving' by almost every faith all around the world is paradoxical by nature.That's all there is to it.
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If a creator exists already how could we invent him? An example of a paradox is a married bachelor, an eternal being which has distinct attributes is not an example of a paradox.
I was talking about the definition of 'god' which includes 'it' being omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent etc.Those attributes are essentially paradoxical in nature.How can an entity be all-powerful and all-knowing at the same time?Let me give you an example.
So god knows everything that's going to happen, and also has the power to change every bit of it.But that doesn't make any sense.
If he can change an event at any given time(because he is omnipotent) then how did he know what is going to happen in the first place.
Now, if we talk about a god being only all-powerful, it is even more paradoxical.Let me give you another example.Can god create such a task that he himself cannot perform.Putting it more bluntly can god create a rock that he himself cannot lift.I am sure you have heard that one before.OK lets try another one.Can god do evil things?Well, if no,then he is not omnipotent and if yes, then I seriously doubt we should be deriving our morals from such a being.
Something not making sense to you does not make it a paradox. God exists outside of time. Can you create yourself? Evil is not a thing.
Well it IS a paradox whether or not it makes any sense to anyone.God exists out of time?Whaaaat????How do you claim to have that knowledge?Who told you that?
Can I create myself? Don't know what you intend to convey there.But no and neither can your imaginary god.
Your god only created Adam and Eve, if you have read your bible. Your parents created you by having sex. What proof do you have that a god exist outside of time?
"God exists outside of time."
What evidence do you have that a god is real? Who created religion?
A religion is simply a set of beliefs about the nature of reality. Your beliefs about your origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. Atheists and “religious” people have these beliefs.
I have beliefs, but those beliefs have nothing to due with me being an Atheist. I'm an Atheist because of a lack of evidence that any god exist. Did humans create religion? Did humans create the gods they worship?