Why don’t some atheists acknowledge Gods existence is reasonable?

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AJ777's picture
Good question, Christians
Nyarlathotep's picture
AJ777 - Protestant Christians
mykcob4's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Good question, Christians
Benjboi's picture
AJ777 In response to your
Keith Raye's picture
There are other disagreements
AJ777's picture
mykcob4's picture
What a bullshit apologists
AJ777's picture
Instead of attacking the
Sheldon's picture
" Instead of attacking the
Benjboi's picture
The bible cannot possibly be
AJ777's picture
I don’t think you correctly
Benjboi's picture
That's the best retort you've
AJ777's picture
The gospel accounts don’t
CyberLN's picture
What does Matthew say about
AJ777's picture
One is outlining Jesus mother
Sheldon's picture
"The gospel accounts don’t
Sheldon's picture
" The different but non
Michael Cole's picture
The only reasonable thing is
Sheldon's picture
It is indeed intellectually
AJ777's picture
I’ve posted in other threads
Sheldon's picture
"I’ve posted in other threads
AJ777's picture
Instead of doing all that
Sheldon's picture
OK, I'm sure you consider
AJ777's picture
Ok good talk
Sheldon's picture
AJ777 says:
AJ777's picture
In what way does that make a
CyberLN's picture
What is the difference in
AJ777's picture
Wrong vs absent. Untruth vs
CyberLN's picture
But you still didn't assign a


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