Why don’t some atheists acknowledge Gods existence is reasonable?

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Flamenca's picture
Hi, @Benjboi, and welcome to
Benjboi's picture
Thanks Angiebot, I think
Flamenca's picture
@Benjboi, my Pinnochio tale
AJ777's picture
If God doesn’t exist there’s
Burn Your Bible's picture
so god created Harm, misery,
mykcob4's picture
Benjboi's picture
Can I ask you why the
Flamenca's picture
@Benjboi. In a hypotethical
AJ777's picture
Wouldn’t a good standard be
Keith Raye's picture
If your philosophy teacher
AJ777's picture
Benjboi's picture
Totally agree about the
algebe's picture
Benboi: "Sorry just realised
Benjboi's picture
The algebra comment was meant
Keith Raye's picture
algebe's picture
@Keith "Are you quadratic or
CyberLN's picture
Benjboi, I think I might
AJ777's picture
Due to the law of non
CyberLN's picture
AJ777, I absolutely agree
AJ777's picture
Interesting you used the term
David Killens's picture
This post breaks down when we
Aposteriori unum's picture
Claims have the burden of
Sheldon's picture
Do you generally believe
Sheldon's picture
"Due to the law of non
Benjboi's picture
Yes absolutely, the former is
CyberLN's picture
Agreed, benjboi. I get
Pitar's picture
I always admit to
AJ777's picture
Pilar, could you elaborate on
Sheldon's picture
"Pilar, could you elaborate
Nyarlathotep's picture
AJ777 - Protestant Christians


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