Using all the rational and logical means at my disposal I consider the Question of "Is there a God?" "What evidence exists to support the existence of a God?"
God = The infinite and absolute supernatural source .... that which has always been and always will be.... that which exists outside the confines and boundaries of time and space.
From my rational and logical mind I want to know about the source of the Universe and all matter and energy.
We know that everything must have a cause and a source. We know that it is impossible to get "something" from "nothing".
To believe that something came from absolutely nothing requires much more faith than i can muster and is not logically and rationally supported by all the evidence of the known universe and all science ever conducted. If anyone knows of any study showing otherwise i would love to go over it.
If Any person will grant these 2 postulates then they must also admit the need for a supernatural (infinite) source(God).
1. All natural (Finite) things must have a Beginning.
2. Something cannot come from Nothing.
(The ultimate Magic Trick like a magician pulling a rabbit from a top hat, except there is no top hat, and no
magician. Now that would be a very amazing trick indeed.)
3. Logically and Rationally a Supernatural (Infinite and Timeless) Force must exist.
In order for me to rationally and logically believe that there are not supernatural forces/beings in play, then i must have some very good evidence showing that either #1 or #2 is false, Otherwise i am just operating from a blind faith and/or irrational(magical) thinking.
So from my viewpoint all this debate about "God" is truly more adequately described as a debate about the "Nature of God", and revolves around objecting and refuting another persons belief about the "Nature of God" and not about existence or absence of God.
Debating the "Nature of God" is much more of a debate.
I am honestly looking forward to anyone pointing out any constructive criticisms or where my logical and rational is faulty, other than just my definition of God = infinite and supernatural, otherwise at that point we are just arguing semantics. ;-)
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