Agreeing with religious people

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Deforres's picture
Seeing as how 13 percent of
Deforres's picture
As for your 94%, I don't buy
Drewcgs11's picture
Really?14% to 13% what a big
Deforres's picture
Cognostic's picture
@ZERO... WOW! You are in
ætherborn98's picture
Does anyone think that God
Deforres's picture
........ You seriously asked
ThePragmatic's picture
LoL, it's a bit ironic. But
Deforres's picture
Still, he's the only "active"
mykcob4's picture
Nope, in fact, there is proof
algebe's picture
@Hawk Flint
Cognostic's picture
@zero.... And if that is
dogalmighty's picture
Why does this thread exist?
salieri's picture
I have been looking at this
Kafei's picture
In the Hindu view, the two


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