Another hole in the boat .... ?
Ken Ham Hits Back at Christian Geologist Who Lists 21 Reasons Why Noah’s Flood Never Happened
One of the comments points out that ,
"It appears that Ken Ham is insistent on attacking the articles credibility as being written by a Christian author, instead of anything remotely close to discrediting any of the thoughtful arguments contained in it."
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and we are surprised because?? hamm and others know better ---- but acknowledging the truth would sink their god boat
According to the biblical fairy tale all of the civilizations that existed before the flood existed after the flood. How did that happen if everyone was dead?
"According to the biblical fairy tale all of the civilizations that existed before the flood existed after the flood. How did that happen if everyone was dead?"
Magic? Theists ate happy to cite magic everywhere else after all.
Simples. Like all those Amalekites who came back again, they were all
yep. Nothing new here.
I like Bill Maher's comments on Noah's Arc..
(2014. 5:22 mins)
Ricky Gervais on Noah's Ark
It's worth watching if you have not seen it before. It's worth a repeat if it's been a while.
FYI - the last global mass extinction of life occurred 65 million years ago.
There has been no major mass extinctions of that scale since then.
I'm still trying to get young-earth creationists to explain how Noah's flood preserved footprints, sun cracks, and rain prints at all levels of the geologic record! (Footprints from Cambrian time, when some trilobites left trails.)
Almost all that sediment said to be from Noah's flood had to be held in suspension during the peak energy of Noah's flood, which means a really, really deep flood that consisted of more water than is available on Earth! Sediment would only start raining down as the flood started to weaken. Thus, all those footprints, sun cracks, and rain prints had to have been made deep underwater at the bottom of Noah's flood, amidst a massive rain of sediment! Those animals must have had some kind of scuba gear to survive down there! Of course, it would be pretty difficult to make good footprints (let alone lengthy trails!) in a massive, rapid raining of soft mud, especially if you tended to float a bit. (Try walking in a swimming pool.) Flood-creationists indulge themselves in the wildest flights of fantasy!
Then, we have the salt deposits and the chalk deposits of extraordinary thickness. Must have been a magical flood to collect all that stuff (to deposit a great depth of it as it could not accumulate in 6000 years), mixed with sand, clay, and rocks, and to totally purify it! Dissolving salt deposits and re-precipitating them in the middle of a flood is a neat trick! Then there's the sediment in the Gulf of Mexico not far from the mouth of the Mississippi River. If I recall correctly, some of that sediment is about 20 miles in thickness! I'd love to know how a creationist explains that one, given that the flood could only be a couple of miles or so deep before exhausting the world's supply of water!
The same way the dinosaur bones got there, Greensnake. Satan. He has stencils, stamps and shovels. I have evidence - an artist's impression of him doing it on my favourite t-shirt.
There are so many things wrong with noah's ark it comical to try to say it really happened. It is like a child trying to explain how Santa Claus is real, he goes down a chimney! If there isn't one he magically makes one! Even if someone defending the noah story said "well.... Magic!" There are much simpler and much more efficient ways an infinitely powerful "god" could achieved his end of wiping out all land based animals and humans in his... wrath? minus a select few.
Most modern biblical scholars I have read about, that have commented on the story of Noah's Ark will tell you it is a fictional story designed to teach, and a global flood did not really happen. Even these guys have found no way to defend the undefendable position that noah's ark really happened. Only Ken Ham and a few others still proclaim and try to explain it really happened. Why? Because they make buckets of money doing it.
The Noah myth is almost as hilarious as the idea it is allegory that carries some profound esoteric message from an omniscient deity. Either way it's hilarious.
Agreed, another one of those, how are you guys not deeply embarrassed by the crap in the bible? Deeply embarrassed trying to defend the tripe?
I remember actually having this conversation with my dad, (who, sadly does go to church on occasion, more now as he has gotten older.) We did come to a compromise where we simply do not talk about it, and it works out, my dad is getting old and I am fully aware I am not going to convince him of anything this late in his life.
As it says in Titus 1:14 (CEV) = "Don’t pay any attention to any of those senseless Jewish stories and human commands. These are made up by people who won’t obey the truth."
@ Dio
Who wrote Titus? It certainly wasn't the "paul/saul" (name of convenience) that wrote the first epistles....
Old man shouts ...,
"Who wrote Titus? It certainly wasn't the "paul/saul" (name of convenience) that wrote the first epistles...."
As I've said before, a committee of story tellers, writers, and artists produced the master copies of the Bible in the 690s. Various writers wrote the books. They included a ton of clues to show that the Bible was a work of fiction not to be taken as the truth. They got away with it because no one knew any better and there was nothing anyone could compare their work to. Over time other committees updated the language and added and deleted ideas but they kept most of it. And then a committee in the 1870s-1880s deleted the 14 books of the Apocrypha.
The beauty of Titus 1:14 is that is says in one sentence that the entire Bible is just a load of bullshit. Remember, all of the stories are Jewish fables and commandments. So how can you differentiate the silly ones from the few that might have some value? Can you objectively name one biblical story that you don't consider silly?
Titus 1:14 (CEV) = "Don’t pay any attention to any of those senseless Jewish stories and human commands. These are made up by people who won’t obey the truth."
Was that sentence part of the original master copies of the Codex Amiatinus or was it added later? Part of the problem is that no one will publish a clear and legible copy of the Codex Amiatinus, which is the earliest complete surviving Bible.
@ Dio
"clear and legible copy of the Codex Amiatinus, which is the earliest complete surviving Bible."
No it is not. It is the earliest complete copy of a Vulgate Latin bible.
Old man shouts ...,
"No it is not."
Here is the reality on this planet Earth in the year 2018 = You can not produce a legitimate legible complete copy of the Bible written before the year 692 A.D.
@ Dio
" You can not produce a legitimate legible complete copy of the Bible written before the year 692 A.D."
And you cannot produce a skerrick of evidence for your claim that a committee, in England, rewrote the entire bible for a presentation the Pope in 692CE.
Whereas there are plenty of Codex lying about the place for textual comparison. Seriously, if you are alleging this huge conspiracy that englobed all of christianity in rewriting a collection of MS, they would have destroyed every copy they had of texts extant before releasing it. The Church were very successful in destroying texts and churches as well as people.
Codex Speculum contains all of the New Testament except 3 John, Philemon, and Hebrews in Rome (5th Century. Old Latin) However, the oldest partial is of the Gospels and comes from 350CE ( Vercelli City Library).
The oldest known copy of Jermone's Vulgate to have the complete New Testament dates to 541 (housed: Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek Fulda). The oldest partial NT is of the Gospels and comes from 450 (housed: Bibliothèque nationale de France).
Then you have the codex Siniaticus, in Koine Greek and is complete NT and OT apart from age damage, and the Codex Vaticanus which contains greek texts of the NT.
All these texts and all the other loose MS and partial codex are now being compared to later texts by scholars all over the world..
Perhaps if you could point out the changes that your alleged committee (I am still waiting for proof of this) made we could do a short comparison very quickly as all of the quoted codex as well as many other texts including those from the Nag Hammaddi Library are on this interweb thingy. That should simplify matters.
Old man shouts ...,
"And you cannot produce a skerrick of evidence for your claim that a committee, in England, rewrote the entire bible for a presentation the Pope in 692CE."
I've never said that the 680-690 committee rewrote the entire Bible. I said that they wrote the damn thing. The Bible didn't exist before they wrote it.
The con man who came up with the Codex Siniaticus admitted that he forged the thing.
The Codex Vaticanus is supposedly from the 4th Century but even the source says that it was written in the 11th or 12th Century =
And as I've said before, you still can't produce a legitimate and legible copy of a Bible written before 692 A.D.
@ Dio
I dont know what your taking, but see the supplier, its all wrong.
Regarding the Codex and MS that exist all over the world, ok, you have faith that they are all forged, that every scholar is in on the giant conspiracy...really? It makes no mind.
Now to your core claim:
Evidence for this committee who wrote the whole bible please. EVIDENCE.
Old man shouts ...,
"Evidence for this committee who wrote the whole bible please."
"Originally three copies of the Bible were commissioned by Abbot Ceolfrid in 692.[1] This date has been established as the double monastery of Wearmouth-Jarrow secured a grant of additional land to raise the 2000 head of cattle needed to produce the vellum. Bede was most likely involved in the compilation. Ceolfrid accompanied one copy intended as a gift to Pope Gregory II, but he died en route to Rome."
What makes you think a gaggle of assorted people throughout the ancient Middle East wrote bits and pieces of the story over centuries and and then,just like magic, they all get collected into the magical book called the Bible? And not only that, but all of the stories flow seamlessly from the first word to the last word? How gullible are you? Do you think that the angel Gabriel spoke to Mohammed in a cave and gave him the Koran? Do you think Joseph Smith found some gold plates that he translated with magic glasses? Is there any bullshit that you won't believe?
Of course a damn committee wrote the Bible, just like a committee wrote the Koran. But feel free to continue to believe that a guy walking around the Sinai Desert for 40 years wrote the first five books of the Bible and that he even wrote about how he died and was buried.
@ Dio
Nice rant.
But sadly contains NO EVIDENCE, merely your suppositions. Try again.
Old man shouts ...,
"Nice rant."
You do know that a committee revised the Bible in the 1870s-1880s? Guess what they did at that time? They deleted 14 books that had been integral to the Bible for about 1,190 years.
@ Dio
Quite correct. The Apocrypha was deleted and there is plenty of evidence to back up your claim that this indeed happened to the protestant bible. All with the full knowledge of the clergy and no one attempted to keep it a secret.
But that is not evidence of your claim that a group of people in England in 680-690CE wrote the entire bible from scratch. I want to see your objective EVIDENCE for that claim.
Old man shouts ...,
"I want to see your objective EVIDENCE for that claim."
As I've said numerous times, you simply can't produce a legitimate legible copy of any complete Bible that was written before the 690s. It simply isn't going to happen on this planet Earth. And anyone should be able to analyze the stories and see that they were written all at one time as part of a project. They flow seamless from one to another.
@ Dio
"As I've said numerous times,"
which is still not EVIDENCE. Names dates third party confirmation, that is evidence. What you present is wild supposition.
There's no logic, science, or evidence that change the fossilized minds of bible literalists and young Earth creationists. Here's an excerpt from the "Statement of Faith" of those fine people at Answers in Genesis.
"By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record."
And here are the answers to your questions about Noah's flood.
And some important information to correct your misconceptions about Noah's Ark. For example, did you know that dinosaurs were taken on board as eggs?
Well, now I'm scared. Algebe is posting links to Answers in Genesis and I'm just plain scared. Again. It's just like when I came back after an absence and found Chimp talking about sin. Chimp. Talking about sin. And now Algebe is posting links to AIG. I'll have nightmares tonight.
@Sushisnake: I'll have nightmares tonight.
LOL. Don't forget to say your prayers!