Are Theists Afraid of Change?

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Whitefire13's picture
@Lion... “ coerrection.”
algebe's picture
@Andromeda: No new ideas have
rtmcdge's picture
No people are. And those with
algebe's picture
@Gerald: No people are. And
Sheldon's picture
Yes, theists are terrified of
rtmcdge's picture
Ha. Truth, not what you want
Sheldon's picture
Yes I'm not going to waste
David Killens's picture
@ Gerald
dogalmighty's picture
algebe's picture
@Gerald: It is those who
Calilasseia's picture
What really induces huge
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Oh, fuck me, 100,000,000
rtmcdge's picture
Just what misconceptions do
Sheldon's picture
Gerald " Just what
Calilasseia's picture
Oh this is going to be good .
Cognostic's picture
@Calilasseia: You know,
Lion IRC's picture
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: If science can
Calilasseia's picture
And now it's time for this
Sheldon's picture
Gerald Exhibit A - correcting
David Killens's picture
@ Lion IRC
Lion IRC's picture
Did I say science called a
Nyarlathotep's picture
Pluto being a planet (or not
David Killens's picture
@ Lion IRC
boomer47's picture
boomer47's picture
rtmcdge's picture
It seems that most of those
Sheldon's picture
David Killens's picture
@ Gerald
algebe's picture
@Gerald: They only think that


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