Are there any people here who can have a discussion without bullying?

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Sheldon's picture
"Let it go and move on."

"Let it go and move on."

I will post as and when I am minded to thank you, and trolling is against the guidelines so you may want to consider your behaviour at the moment. Comment on the content of my post, and leave the personal stuff alone there's a good chap.

If people respect me then I have always reciprocated.

"Hence expecting us not to comment on your beliefs when you seek us out to preach them at us is silly."

"Means the same thing when I use your own words as well. Figure that one out"

It makes absolutely no sense sorry, it did in response to your post whining that atheists were responding to your sermons, but didn't believe them, but I have no idea what you think parroting it back at me verbatim means?

Tin-Man's picture
@In Spirit Re: To Sheldon -

@In Spirit Re: To Sheldon - "Otherwise in due time they will ask you to take a very needed break from here."

Hmmmm.... *tapping lips with tip of index finger*.... Let's seeeee.... What have we here?.... *donning latex gloves*... *squatting down*... *staring closely*... Gee, looks like bullshit.... *sniff-sniff*... Oooof!... *gag-cough*.... Yep, smells like bullshit... *poking with a stick*... Rather feels like bullshit, too.... *standing up*... *removing latex gloves*... Okay, I'm calling it.... Bullshit!

dogalmighty's picture
"All beliefs have impacts(on

"All beliefs have impacts(on others)"

Not true. I believe that a god does not exist, do to his claimed nature being supernatural...I do not seek others to tell them this. This is the first time on this site I have admitted this to anyone. I do not go to places the religious congregate, nor do I proselytize my belief anywhere. The religious however, do the opposite. I will counter religion when I can, how I can, and passionately, if I have to...but I do not, and will not, push my beliefs on others.

Your christian faith, need not be shared with anyone other than christians...of which I am not one.

David Killens's picture
Pope Pius XI signed a

Pope Pius XI signed a concordat with Hitler. Christian slavers used the bible to rationalize slavery. Gays are not allowed equality in the USA because of the religious right. Priests are buggering children and being protected by the RC church. Some asshole missionary infected an entire culture and they will probably die. Christian missionaries in Africa are doing more harm than good by telling areas with high AIDS not to use condoms.

Yea, beliefs have impacts.

Sheldon's picture
You came to an atheist forum

You came to an atheist forum to preach to atheists, did you think we would all become exasperated at your vapid bilge and leave?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon

@ Sheldon

did you think we would all become exasperated at your vapid bilge and leave?

Nah, he thought that one mention of "the Great Spirit of Love" we would all realise the truth and wisdom of his words. We would, as one, realise that he was the way to be a part of this great harmony of heaven and follow him over the cliff of blind faith.

He is sadly disappointed in our intransigence and badly hurt that we, seemingly intelligent creatures, do not understand the tepid bath of spirituality he has experienced and wishes us to share.

In the words of Fraser (Dad's Army) "We are all doomed, doomed!"

After all, who needs evidence when you have the benefit of personal experience and an overweening (if fragile) ego?

In Spirit's picture
Old man shouts

Old man shouts

So now you know what I'm thinking and how I feel? LMAO

I haven't asked anyone to believe in my words. That is only your perception, your truth, your experience.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ In Spirit

@ In Spirit

I haven't asked anyone to believe in my words. That is only your perception, your truth, your experience.

Yes, you have asked people to believe your words. Especially when you stated you had experience of the 'Spirit of Love' or whatever it was you claimed to experience. Then got all huffy when you were asked for evidence as personal experience, as you quite rightly say is : " only your perception, your truth, your experience

I do hope you do not have firearms or the ER in your neighborhood would be fed up treating your feet for gunshot wounds.

I have had, in my short time on these forums, engaged with many theists of all stripes, all end up mendacious, and either very aggressive, or, as your posts indicate, passive aggressive. It seems the underlying aggressiveness of theism is exacerbated when rational thought is required. Maybe the cognitive dissonance gets too much to bear.
The urge to promulgate belief without evidence or evidence of coherent thought is exactly as I described in my post above. The urge to lie, alter definitions, complain about being "bullied" when reasonable requests are made are commonplace.

Many theists seem to think their ideas are sacrosanct and must not be questioned. As soon as one member of the forum does; behaviour and texts exactly like these last few from yourself start flowing. This behaviour seems directly at odds with your early posts about the benefits of the "Spirit of Love" (whatever) you had experienced and had influenced your life.

Stop wondering about the reactions of others to yourself, start to think critically of your (rather predictable) behaviour that causes these reactions.

Personally I do not believe a word of your experience with whatever it was you described early on. Certainly if it causes such thin skinned sensitivity, maybe its not worth experiencing.

In Spirit's picture
Old man shouts

Old man shouts

If my memory serves me right ( and sometimes it doesn't) I don't recall getting huffy.

I recall saying that I was unable to provide evidence because I also recall saying that I will eventually post that thread.

Anyways I'm waiting for a bridge to be built from both ends.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ In Spirit

@ In Spirit

If my memory serves me right ( and sometimes it doesn't) I don't recall getting huffy.

In that case either re read your huffy little post about bullying, and, your numerous huffy posts to Sheldon and others.

in case of misunderstanding: Huff: noun
a fit of petty annoyance.
"she walked off in a huff"
synonyms: bad mood, sulk, fit of bad humour, fit of pique, pet, temper, tantrum, rage, fury, passion;

All the synonyms could also be used to describe the responses you have so far posted.
Sheldon has made pointed enquiries in response to your assertions, you keep promising I also recall saying that I will eventually post that thread." regarding evidence. That evidence which is all anyone here requires.

If convincing evidence, irrefutable evidence, is displayed then you will have the conversion of all the rational atheists on the boards, If not, prepare for real ridicule.

Sheldon is probably tried of waiting as he has heard so many promises from woo merchants and theists in the past. Most of us have have heard these promises of 'evidence". I can assure not one person has converted to whatever the claim was.

Yet you wonder why your outlandish claims are greeted with, shall we say, less than wonderment and respect? You seem to 'us" (yes I am speaking on behalf of some members) to be just one more in a long, sad, mendacious line of snake oil vendors.

Instead of indulging your ego in petty fights that earn you no friends and even less respect, do what you promised, post your evidence....we are waiting for revelation.

arakish's picture
In Spirit: "After what I have

In Spirit: "After what I have been through in my life, there is no punch strong enough."

Bet mine makes yours look like a cake walk. Soul Shatter

Read at your leisure.


David Killens's picture
Thank you for the link

Thank you for the link arakish. I will read it when I am calm and can digest it in a respectful and empathic manner.

In Spirit's picture
Old man shouts

Old man shouts

What would it require to let bygones be bygones?

What would it take to build bridges instead of burning them?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ In Spirit

@ In Spirit

What would it require to let bygones be bygones?

1. write to each individual that you are offended by, in public or by PM and ask that question.
2. Publish your promised thread with your evidence of whatever it is you claim.

What would it take to build bridges instead of burning them?

1. Quit the victim pose. Its unbecoming like lipstick on a warthog.
2. Quit the intellectual superiority. There are people here with vast stores of knowledge. Respect them,.
3. Don't make claims you avoid backing up.
4. Follow the first step in this post.
5. Ask questions instead of evading answers, or worse making extraordinary claims and then refusing to evidence them.
6. Remember "personal revelation" means shit. You can share your experience but no one has to take it seriously (hint: we won't)
7. If you are sure, stand your ground. Produce the evidence for your surety, or at least citations.

All clear now?

Cognostic's picture
@ Old man shouts ...

@ Old man shouts ...

I have let this thread ride for over 50 posts. I popped in today out of boredom and was generally happy I was not posting in the thread. What a bunch of victim playing horseshit!!! Then I ran across this post!!!!
It was worth my time. KUDOS !!

dogalmighty's picture


In Spirit's picture
Old man shouts

Old man shouts

"1. write to each individual that you are offended by, in public or by PM and ask that question."
Already started this, in public and by PM

"2. Publish your promised thread with your evidence of whatever it is you claim."
You may have missed this following post of mine

In Spirit past post: As for my beliefs, I had previously stated that I would do so at the appropriate time, however, in my attempt to understand atheism, atheists and their position through other sources other than what I have learned here it has become very clear to me the position that atheists hold. Having clearly understood that now, it would be fruitless for me to attempt to prove what I believe in. I get it now. I understand the position of atheists and their position of asking for evidence. So for now I am saving us one huge headache.

As you can see, I'm trying to reach out and make amends as I have with you and others as well. You might not see it all my posts, but it's happening and in PM too.

All I want to do is engage in topics. I fully understand the position atheists are holding and why they ask the questions they ask. Took me a little while, all everyone needed to do was have a little patience. Not every mind grasps things at someone else's expected pace. You know, I used to teach people how to play music and sing and it's clear as a teacher who needs more time than others. The internet unfortunately can sometimes blind us from that.

Thanks for your comments

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ In Spirit

@ In Spirit

"As for my beliefs, I had previously stated that I would do so at the appropriate time, however, in my attempt to understand atheism, atheists and their position through other sources other than what I have learned here it has become very clear to me the position that atheists hold,'

So after all that:

You don't intend to publish any evidence for your claims.

You still have not understood that atheists do NOT hold a position. "I do not believe you" is not a position, it is the antithesis of a position. It is a Null declaration.

Seems you have not learnt much at all.

When you can communicate your ideas fully, rationally and coherently I will happily engage you. Until then, all the best.

In Spirit's picture
Old man shouts

Old man shouts

"So after all that: You don't intend to publish any evidence for your claims."

From my understanding of atheists, if someone wants to make an assertion about the existence of a deity/ entity whatever we want to call it, atheist will only entertain it if evidence can be provided through scientific methods. Being fully aware of that and having no evidence to provide would be fruitless and frustrating to everyone. You don't want to keep hearing the same bullshit atheists have heard countless times. This is what I meant by the position that atheists hold. "There is no deity. Prove it under strict scientific verifiable methods and we, the atheists, will engage in a merited discussion." Am I getting it?


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sheldon's picture
Present the best evidence you

Present the best evidence you have, you could have done it a thousand times by now in the time you waste on such evasion.

"Am I getting it?"

No, not even close, but never mind. Are you saying science cannot detect your deity or measure its effects or influence? You see that would be true of any non-existent thing, so what exactly differentiates your deity for things that don't exist beyond your subjective beliefs and bare assertions?

In Spirit's picture


".... so what exactly differentiates your deity for things that don't exist beyond your subjective beliefs and bare assertions?"

Nothing. Am I getting it?

Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon.... so what exactly

"Sheldon.... so what exactly differentiates your deity for things that don't exist beyond your subjective beliefs and bare assertions?"

In Spirit "Nothing. Am I getting it?"

Not really, who bases a belief on nothing?

In Spirit's picture
I keep forgetting that

I keep forgetting that Sheldon prefers clarity in responses and proper grammar, It's hard to keep up with everyone here. Sorry about that.

Let me see if I can clarify it for you. You asked..."so what exactly differentiates your deity for things that don't exist beyond your subjective beliefs and bare assertions?"

First of all allow me to correct your spelling so that your question becomes clear. Replace For with From in your question. Typo error I'm assuming.

First Answer: I cannot answer the question because I have no deity. You are asking me to differentiate my deity from.....
Therefore there is nothing to differentiate.

I do not believe in deities. I do believe that we are not alone.

Now to save you the trouble I will rephrase your question to what exactly differentiates your 'entity' from things that don't exist beyond your subjective beliefs and bare assertions?"

Second Answer and then some:I have never seen things that don't exist behave in the following ways as I have seen with the entity: I have seen it. I have heard it speak many times. I have seen it manipulate nature and make it do things that are not normally seen. It warns me for my benefit and others where there is danger or where it is about to happen by allowing me to see the future and then I can see the danger unfolding after I changed my path. It allows me to see events in near or distant places as well in regards to crime areas and those being sought, whether they are fugitives or victims. It allows me to see events unfold before they do.It allows me to see that past of some people I have never met before. It allows me to hear thoughts of those around me including strangers. It responds through voice, and through other means you would not accept as being true or possible. It asks nothing from me like commandments or rules to follow. The only thing it seeks in return is to pass on a message to someone who is in need, or in danger. Never once has it asked to tell others of any dogma or belief system or any name to be worshiped. It never judges me or anyone.
And last but not least, my friends and strangers have been privileged to see what happens around me. Witnesses

I think this is clarity that many have been waiting for. Not asking anyone to take this as preaching. Makes no difference to anyone if it is believed or not. It doesn't damn anyone. This is not a religion nor a deity.

I hope I have satisfied everyone who has been asking in my beliefs. This is the honesty you they have been asking for. Volia !!

Sheldon's picture
First Answer " I have no

First Answer " I have no deity. "

So you're an atheist then.

Second Answer "(bizarre & slightly crackpot) Subjective unevidenced assertions removed - Hitchens's razor applied"

Still waiting for you to grasp that claims carry a burden of proof.

"It allows me to see events in near or distant places as well in regards to crime areas and those being sought, whether they are fugitives or victims. "

Do you wear a cape?

Just when I thought this couldn't get any weirder.

In Spirit's picture


Lmao...glad you're enjoying this and no I wear no cape.

I understand that there is no proof for what I have given here. I just wanted everyone to know the answer to the repeated question for transparency and honesty on what my beliefs were.

Seriously speaking. That qualifies me as an atheist?

I thought there was no room for entities in atheism.

"(bizarre & slightly crackpot)" LOL... yes I can see how it can qualify in those descriptions.
As long as we can laugh about this I'm ok with that.

Sheldon's picture
"I understand that there is

"I understand that there is no proof for what I have given here."

There isn't even the pretence of a shred of evidence. It was unadulterated nonsense.

"Seriously speaking. That qualifies me as an atheist?"

Did I say that qualified you as an atheist? Why lie when you know it was your assertion that you "have no deity" that qualified you as an atheist. How do you expect to be taken seriously when you lie so casually?

"I thought there was no room for entities in atheism."

Then you don't know what atheism means, I suggest you Google it. It's belief in deities that atheism negates, you said you had no deity, can this really be unclear?

In Spirit's picture
Ok now you're confusing me

Ok now you're confusing me

This was your response......" So you're an atheist then." No question mark....statement

What am I missing if that is in English?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon & In Spirit

@ Sheldon & In Spirit

It is not weird, In Spirit has just confessed to being a (commercial?) "psychic"

This makes all the flim flam, walls of text, evasions, flummery, accusations, victim hood and the abject fear of scientific testing under lab conditions (that only he brought up) understandable.

They are all tools in the "psychics" box of tricks. To misdirect, mislead and trick the gullible.

I am surprised, In Spirit that you, with all your witnesses and amazing powers have not aced the Psychic Challenge for Randle?
Or is your obvious fear of scientific testing too much for you?

In Spirit, I have tried to help you out on these forums, but seriously, a 'psychic' with a magic helper? What a fucking galah.

Tin Man? Where's that funny juice of yours I need a fucking drink. After all these pages of BS this is what a naked emperor looks like.....alcohol, stat......

In Spirit's picture
Old man shouts

Old man shouts

Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.

Psychics are charlatans. Everything I do with this is free . I would never call myself a psychic.

You're welcome !!

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ In Spirit

@ In Spirit

It allows me to see events in near or distant places as well in regards to crime areas and those being sought, whether they are fugitives or victims. It allows me to see events unfold before they do.It allows me to see that past of some people I have never met before. It allows me to hear thoughts of those around me including strangers. It responds through voice, and through other means you would not accept as being true or possible. It asks nothing from me like commandments or rules to follow. The only thing it seeks in return is to pass on a message to someone who is in need, or in danger.

Don't attempt to worm your way out of this pile of shite. If that claim above of yours is not a claim to be psychic/clairvoyant then blue is a fucking unicorn.

Don't you even try to wriggle on a definition. You have a magic partner that allows you to see, and act on, 'visions or messages that only you receive? That's pure fucking woo.

I had patience with you for a long time hoping that you would finally cease your double talk, but, now, fuck that. You are just a charlatan. I bet none of your claims would hold up under scrutiny.

Just for starters you had better front up with names and addresses of the individuals you have "saved" plus corroborating witnesses to the timing and your double blind actions.

Then we will fucking terrorise you into proving your claims under lab conditions. Do you honestly think a claim as nonsensical and as flimsy as that would fly in here of all places? Are you fucking demented?

I bet you come back with a load of flim flam and evasion. Fucks sake...a fucking psychic/ clairvoyant with magic pants assistant. I fucking despair after all these posts and whining...that's all you got?

My patience with you has gone, not even a blur in my rear view mirror. You have spouted evasions and bull shit since day one and now you top of that raggedy brown turd with this effusion of pus...fuck wonder you didn't want to tell people.

We are not your marks in these forums.


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