Because he can't get the point...

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Deforres's picture
" but according to google"
Drewcgs11's picture
I am claiming 1 of the 3
Deforres's picture
"It is facts that 98 percent
Drewcgs11's picture
If google isnt credible then
Deforres's picture
Can you provide a link?
Drewcgs11's picture
This repeating cycle of
Deforres's picture
I just want to see what you
the_believer's picture
"The university expands and
Deforres's picture
I'll get to you in a moment.
Drewcgs11's picture
From combining 84%(religious
Deforres's picture
No. Give me a link to where
Deforres's picture
Never mind, I found it. So,
Drewcgs11's picture
"There has been no other
Nyarlathotep's picture
It's easy to claim there are
Drewcgs11's picture
A high percentage of the
Deforres's picture
How do you know that? What is
Deforres's picture
Kataclismic's picture
Drewcgs11's picture
Kataclismic the reason that
Deforres's picture
" i dont consider what im
Drewcgs11's picture
Use any sense of critical
Deforres's picture
Stop avoiding the burden of
Drewcgs11's picture
Considered meaning possible
Deforres's picture
I don't consider anything on
Drewcgs11's picture
I have already explained that
Deforres's picture
Yes, you have been lacking in
Kataclismic's picture
Considering based on
Drewcgs11's picture
I dont need proof for me to
Deforres's picture
It's kinda hard for something
Drewcgs11's picture
Kataclismic popularity is one


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