Because he can't get the point...

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Sir Random's picture
*sigh* Xavier misinterpreted

*sigh* Xavier misinterpreted as usual

the_believer's picture
Sir Random:

Sir Random:

I would expect that Xavier's method of challenge to Andrew's original post actually prompted Andrew to pass beyond the scope set (the scope of observation, and not of debate), which is fair, as Xavier's own first comment, in that scenario, probably too passed beyond the scope set at start.

Sir Random's picture
Looking at it, yes that does

Looking at it, yes that does seem to be the case. But, that still does not alleviate Andrew from his part in it. He still, a Nyar pointed out, claimed to have proven his side, baited or not. Xavier tends to do this on purpose. Don't be fooled.

Sir Random's picture
*sigh* Xavier misinterpreted

*sigh* Double post glitch, as usual.

Drewcgs11's picture
Only for consideration

Only for consideration purposes not to be proven.

Sir Random's picture
And you realize that there is

And you realize that there is no guarantee any one will consider it correct, yes?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrewcgs - "Only for

Andrewcgs - "Only for consideration purposes not to be proven."

pretty hard to take that seriously:
Andrewcgs - "I have p̲r̲o̲v̲e̲n̲"

Andrewcgs - "I have already p̲r̲o̲v̲e̲n̲"

Andrewcgs - "but i have already p̲r̲o̲v̲e̲n̲ this"

Andrewcgs - "The p̲r̲o̲o̲f̲ that you can use my philosophy universally"

Andrewcgs - "The p̲r̲o̲o̲f̲ that i have given you"

Andrewcgs - "i have evidence to p̲r̲o̲v̲e̲ everything"

Andrewcgs - "the very thing i am trying to explain/p̲r̲o̲v̲e̲"

Sir Random's picture
Oh ho ho? What's this? I feel

Oh ho ho? What's this? I feel lied to! Neither Reeves nor Andrew mentioned this!

the_believer's picture
Sir Random:

Sir Random:

I merely reported what was implied by the original post; Andrewcgs himself strayed beyond the scope he set at start.

Sir Random's picture
Then you are in the clear.

Then you are in the clear.

Drewcgs11's picture
There is proof inside the

There is proof inside the concepts i explain but the concept it self if not what i was trying to prove but talking to you guys we couldent agree that roses are red.

Drewcgs11's picture
Hours of deep explanation of

Hours of deep explanation of reasons why it should be considered that would be unwise not 2, but i do realize that what is a guarantee is i have gave good logical reasons for it to be considered. But you guys can choose to walk around blind with a limited perspective just like religious people all you want i cant control anyone.

Sir Random's picture
You do. But even having good,

You do. But even having good, logical conclusions doesn't make something correct. Plausible, but not nessisarily correct.

Drewcgs11's picture
M. V. Reeves somebody in here

M. V. Reeves somebody in here stating facts

the_believer's picture
Often unlike yourself.

Often unlike yourself.

Drewcgs11's picture
I never claimed to be correct

I never claimed to be correct

Sir Random's picture
Then what was the whole "walk

Then what was the whole "walk around with a limited perspective." Bit about?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrewcgs - "I never claimed

Andrewcgs - "I never claimed to be correct"

When you claim to have proven something, that is an even stronger claim than that you are correct, it is a claim that you are demonstrably logically correct. And you did this several times.

the_believer's picture
Claiming to have proven

Claiming to have proven something is actually just as "strong" as claiming that something is correct, as proving something entails formulating an argument that is both valid/strong and sound/cogent. The only exception is when claiming to have proven a piece of accepted evidence to be "correct," at which rate no propositional calculations can have possibly been performed.

Nyarlathotep's picture
M. V. Reeves - "Claiming to

M. V. Reeves - "Claiming to have proven something is actually just as "strong" as claiming that something is correct"

This looks false:

Claiming you have proven x means: you are claiming you are correct AND you have a proof for x.

Claiming you are correct about x does not imply the existence of a proof.


the_believer's picture



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