Bible contradiction help need and why I shouldn’t believe?

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algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: you need to deal
boomer47's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Cranky re: my ass
Lion IRC's picture
Jesus used the words "believe
algebe's picture
@LIon IRC:Clearly He wasn't
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Algebe
boomer47's picture
@Old man
algebe's picture
@Cranky47: I also think of
boomer47's picture
algebe's picture
@Cranky47: But locked up
boomer47's picture
Whitefire13's picture
@Lion “ Jesus used the words
Italianish's picture
Thank you for everyone’s help
Tin-Man's picture
@Italianish Re: "Lion IRC..
Lion IRC's picture
Italianish wrote:
Whitefire13's picture
Re Lion “ ...ones above
Lion IRC's picture
Settle down.
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: off topic posts
Lion IRC's picture
You can have however much off
Lion IRC's picture
...and I sense the ban hammer
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: anyway, I sense
Lion IRC's picture
I think you know as well as I
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: You can have
Tin-Man's picture
@The Lion Squeaks Tonight
Cognostic's picture
@Lion IRC: Your lucky the
boomer47's picture
Italianish's picture
Me feeling like I didn’t have
boomer47's picture
Italianish's picture
For starters I was in and out
Whitefire13's picture


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