The dark side of Theism & Superstition

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
that's not the issue. the
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
in comparison to most of the
science's picture
With all due respect,
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I don't see it as so
WilfDisney's picture
Dante's lawyers are on the
ThePragmatic's picture
"Praying for a Cure"
ThePragmatic's picture
"A BBC Scotland investigation
ThePragmatic's picture
"Megachurch pastor who raped
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
“Every great man of God had
ThePragmatic's picture
I didn't even see the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Yes, there seems to be every
ThePragmatic's picture
"Syrian gang rape victim who
ThePragmatic's picture
"Ohio rabbi sentenced to 22
ThePragmatic's picture
"Oregon couple who chose
ThePragmatic's picture
You say religion is used as a
ThePragmatic's picture
Churches keep showing their
ThePragmatic's picture
"Toledo Mayoral Candidate
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Hope she kicks the bucket
ThePragmatic's picture
"Gay Sex Is Now Punished With
ThePragmatic's picture
"Papua New Guinea students
ThePragmatic's picture
"noted writer, film-maker and
ThePragmatic's picture
London, Ontario, Canada:
ThePragmatic's picture
Pastor Greatness Tapfuma,
ThePragmatic's picture
"Ontario newborn bleeds to
Travis Hedglin's picture
Eh, it's a boy, no one gives
SeanBreen's picture
Travis, I read a story a few
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Feminism is like religion, it
science's picture
In my book, women have it
science's picture
I forgot to add, that women


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