The dark side of Theism & Superstition

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
What they think and what they
ThePragmatic's picture
Yes, it's impossible to keep
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea happens more often then
ThePragmatic's picture
Pfft, LoL!
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Pfft, LoL!
ThePragmatic's picture
"Saudi Teenager Ali Mohammed
ThePragmatic's picture
"South America has become a
ThePragmatic's picture
"Dale and Leilani Neumann
ThePragmatic's picture
"'My pastor was my rapist':
CyberLN's picture
This is more like the dark
ThePragmatic's picture
People are scared of becoming
CyberLN's picture
Or they all have bumper
Daniel B's picture
Every week when sunday rolls
ThePragmatic's picture
It also works for the cliché
Daniel B's picture
Every week when sunday rolls
ThePragmatic's picture
Hajj stampede: "The death
ThePragmatic's picture
"Saudis are active at every
ThePragmatic's picture
"Missouri pastor stole more
ThePragmatic's picture
"Father Flaim, 75, who has
SeanBreen's picture
If a person is willing to
science's picture
In a way, you may be right..
SeanBreen's picture
I get the impression that one
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yeah public executions was
cmallen's picture
SeanBreen - "If a person is
SeanBreen's picture
@ C. M. Allen: "SeanBreen -
cmallen's picture
Actually, I was being a tad
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Jeff - "Yeah public
SeanBreen's picture
I recognize that what a child
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You are basically agreeing
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
by this logic severe and


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