The dark side of Theism & Superstition

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SeanBreen's picture
Well that's not what I said,
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
from my experience, the
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
from my experience, the
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I wouldn't say capitalistic
SeanBreen's picture
The way I see it is that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Capitalism by its definition
CyberLN's picture
SeanBreen - "Now obviously
SeanBreen's picture
We don't need a study to
CyberLN's picture
"People in socialist
Travis Hedglin's picture
Hmm, let me see if I can find
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
China is hard to pin down.
Travis Hedglin's picture
I don't know, I looked up top
SeanBreen's picture
Well, people call countries
Travis Hedglin's picture
Then does everyone agree that
SeanBreen's picture
Here's an in-depth,
Travis Hedglin's picture
A. I was asking if those were
SeanBreen's picture
Well, a majority of the UK
CyberLN's picture
They certainly have socialist
SeanBreen's picture
I don't think any country is
CyberLN's picture
I would agree that there is
SeanBreen's picture
Well it also depends how you
CyberLN's picture
"The neopolitical definitions
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Sean, rent in London has
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"The neopolitical definitions
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I don't understand the
SeanBreen's picture
The statistics for the UK and
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I can thing of innumerable
SeanBreen's picture
Here's how you can
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
raising taxes on any group of
science's picture
Here's the issue. The gov't.


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