God is real

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AJ777's picture
You want God to have first
Burn Your Bible's picture
Yes I do he is god isn't he?
Sheldon's picture
"You want God to have first
AJ777's picture
A historical event occurred
AJ777's picture
Closet_atheist's picture
AJ777's picture
Why do you assume I haven’t
Aposteriori unum's picture
So god created man knowing he
AJ777's picture
So you’re using your free
Burn Your Bible's picture
Also if Adam and Eve did not
Aposteriori unum's picture
Freakin' logic, right? Who
AJ777's picture
There is no clear statement
Burn Your Bible's picture
So does god know everything?
AJ777's picture
The question is illogical
Burn Your Bible's picture
In your opinion do you
Sheldon's picture
"The question is illogical
AJ777's picture
That particular argument
Burn Your Bible's picture
Ok since I do not think you
AJ777's picture
How does knowing something
Sheldon's picture
" Could it be possible that
AJ777's picture
That’s not what I said sir. I
Burn Your Bible's picture
Now your starting to see how
Sheldon's picture
"That’s not what I said sir.
Burn Your Bible's picture
Evil is god and god is evil
Sheldon's picture
"Evil is god and god is evil
Burn Your Bible's picture
I agree it can be a slippery
AJ777's picture
Evil is god and god is evil?
Sheldon's picture
"There is no clear statement
AJ777's picture
You are presently choosing to
Sheldon's picture
"You are presently choosing


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