Has nature ever created a code?

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arakish's picture
Admins/Mods: This not a true
tbowen's picture
You mentioned that Evolution
Sheldon's picture
"science in this case does
Nyarlathotep's picture
J N Vanderbilt III - how do
tbowen's picture
Nyar, I believe you used the
Nyarlathotep's picture
J N Vanderbilt III - Nyar, I
Sheldon's picture
Again I invite you to cite a
tbowen's picture
NS has no creative power you
Sheldon's picture
You don't understand natural
Sheldon's picture
"Its all dependant upon what
tbowen's picture
NS has no say in the raw
Sheldon's picture
Species evolution is an
tbowen's picture
Sheldon “you’re” , (no
Nyarlathotep's picture
J N Vanderbilt III - So
Sheldon's picture
J N Vanderbilt III "So you
arakish's picture
I was at me doctor
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish
tbowen's picture
Sheldon I don’t have to
Sheldon's picture
There is no explanation for a
arakish's picture
@ J N Vanderbilt III
tbowen's picture
Lots of logical evidence of
Sheldon's picture
PMLMAO, no logical evidence
tbowen's picture
Like I said plenty of
Sheldon's picture
Yes, like you said, just like
tbowen's picture
Heh heh Can’t answer huh? Do
Sheldon's picture
So you still haven't told us
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ jnv3
tbowen's picture
I have but let’s pretend he
Sheldon's picture
Coincidence isn't objectively
arakish's picture
J N Vanderbilt III: "I have


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