Has nature ever created a code?

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Sheldon's picture
We've seen this lie enough
arakish's picture
@ Sheldon
tbowen's picture
Ah so coincidence is just a
Sheldon's picture
tbowen's picture
Do what would you say if you
arakish's picture
J N Vanderbilt III: "what
Sheldon's picture
Argument from incredulity
Sheldon's picture
Is evolution not an accepted
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
It staggers the normal
tbowen's picture
You are guilty of the “with
Sheldon's picture
Firstly I never claimed
xenoview's picture
tbowen's picture
But if you claim time can
Nyarlathotep's picture
J N Vanderbilt III - ...in
Sheldon's picture
I don't think we need to
Sheldon's picture
No it doesn't, you and reason
tbowen's picture
Mimicry is a huge problem for
arakish's picture
J N Vanderbilt III: "Mimicry
Sheldon's picture
Your laughable denials of
tbowen's picture
The only magic you need be
Sheldon's picture
Its your vapid superstition
Sheldon's picture
"'God in the Gaps'
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon's picture
"In an article on intelligent
tbowen's picture
I did postulate that for sake
arakish's picture
And you think this is not
Sheldon's picture
"I did postulate that for
tbowen's picture
Oh my more mimicry


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sheldon's picture
"The oldest definitive insect
arakish's picture
Nice Photoshop work. rmfr


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