Has nature ever created a code?

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arakish's picture
@ Calilasseia
Calilasseia's picture
Bingo! There ARE tags I can
arakish's picture
You got it. I am also used
Calilasseia's picture
Armed with the above
arakish's picture
I would not count on it. I
Calilasseia's picture
Meanwhile, I'll return to the
arakish's picture
I alluded to this once. Not
Grinseed's picture
Calilasseia, I am enjoying
Calilasseia's picture
Heh, I haven't even had
Calilasseia's picture
Is everyone sitting
Calilasseia's picture
By the way, I note with
arakish's picture
@ Caliliasseia
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish
Calilasseia's picture
Heh, I haven't even got round
tbowen's picture
“The moment a mutation
CyberLN's picture
JNV3, you wrote, “That’s
Calilasseia's picture
What part of "the scientists
Sheldon's picture
You should have read the
Sheldon's picture
There is no need, this again
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ JNV3
Calilasseia's picture
Time, methinks, to take a
Calilasseia's picture
Natural selection means that
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cali
aperez241's picture
Wonderful experiments that
tbowen's picture
Can you Boil it down for us
Sheldon's picture
"randomness on many counts
Calilasseia's picture
Can you Boil it down for us
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cali
tbowen's picture
“No end goal at all”
CyberLN's picture
JNV3, you wrote, “But to end


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