Has nature ever created a code?

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Sheldon's picture
"replica of a leaf which
Sapporo's picture
I must say I have absolutely
Sheldon's picture
I'm not even sure ID is an
tbowen's picture
This from a molecular
CyberLN's picture
Michael Behe is a proponent
Sheldon's picture
Its an appeal to authority
arakish's picture
Well, you know how peer
arakish's picture
Is it not plagiarism without
Sheldon's picture
It certainly is....
Sheldon's picture
That's funny I've checked
Calilasseia's picture
Ah, this would be the same
arakish's picture
@ Cali
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cali
arakish's picture
Found another location for
Calilasseia's picture
Some of those links have
arakish's picture
And not a problem for me. If
Grinseed's picture
I was going to apologise for
Calilasseia's picture
tbowen's picture
Wow all that posted text from
CyberLN's picture
JNV3, I’ll ask again...are
Sheldon's picture
Here is what the U.S.
arakish's picture
JNV3: "Wow all that posted
Calilasseia's picture
Oh dear. Time to remind
Grinseed's picture
I always find the stories
tbowen's picture
“Asking one person to get 10
CyberLN's picture
JNV3, I’ll ask again...are
arakish's picture
@ CyberLN
Calilasseia's picture
“Asking one person to get 10
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cali
gmoulds's picture
What a completely fatuous


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