Hello everyone

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TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Everything is energy,
Anonymous's picture
if just for the sake of
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
The 'slit experiment'
Anonymous's picture
As I read through your other
Armando Perez's picture
@ Curious
Anonymous's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Science is different due to
Armando Perez's picture
@ curious
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Wrong, I state clearly, that
mykcob4's picture
Science is a religious cult?
Anonymous's picture
CyberLN's picture
Curious, you wrote, “...that
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Atheism is simply the belief
LogicFTW's picture
We all call ourselves atheist
Sheldon's picture
"I'm a bit confused.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Curious
Anonymous's picture
@ Old Man Shout
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Curious
Cognostic's picture
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Thanks to congnostic for
mykcob4's picture
@ Curious
Anonymous's picture
mykcob4's picture
Anonymous's picture
"curious seek answers"
mykcob4's picture
Sheldon's picture
@mykcob4 "Atheism is not a
Dave Matson's picture
mickron88's picture
neel is that you?
CyberLN's picture
not likely to be neel


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