I am homosexual, what the Bible says

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FievelJ's picture
I am homosexual, what the Bible says

Leviticus 20:13 ESV
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

It teaches hate for people like me.

Copied and pasted.

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Randomhero1982's picture
All loving, all knowing....

All loving, all knowing.... ffs...

CyberLN's picture
Well, do you actually lay

Well, do you actually lay with men the same way you would lay with women? I mean, really, if the mechanics aren’t the same then you should be fine. Wink, wink. After all, we’ve heard over and over that the words in the book are perfect...they mean what they say and say what they mean.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cyber

@ Cyber

Ah but what about allegory? Context? Reading the whole thing to get the idea?

Does this verse not really mean that men and women should have a common mendacity? One that is not shared with other males? Isn't it really saying that men and women should not tell each other truth but men should always be honest with each other?

(edited for clarity and metaphor)

ilovechloe's picture
Jesus was probably homosexual

Jesus was probably homosexual. He certainly supported transgender, the only problem was he wanted all women to become trans men. He hung around with 12 guys, one of whom was his favourite & whom Jesus loved. Sounds fairly gay to me, but the following verse from the gospel of Thomas really seals it:
(1) Simon Peter said to them: “Let Mary go away from us, for women are not worthy of life.”
(2) Jesus said: “Look, I will draw her in so as to make her male, so that she too may become a living male spirit, similar to you.”
(3) (But I say to you): “Every woman who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.”

The Gospel According to Thomas

So if a homosexual lifestyle is good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for you!

boomer47's picture



If you had any doubt that Jesus was Jewish (or Italian, or Greek) consider this;

Jesu was thirty years old, unmarried , still lived with his parents , and his mother thought he was god.

At that time and place, life expectancy was closer to 30 than to forty, and people married around puberty . Does it strike anyone else as odd that Jesus had reached 30 without being married? from the gospels, it also seems that Jesus had a at least one unmarried male sibling (James)

How old was Jesus' mother , Miriam? Perhaps as young as 12, but no older than 16, tops. ***

An unworthy thought, I know,. I'm probably going to hell for even mentioning it: There are times when I begin to suspect that some of the people who wrote the gospels were a a bit cavalier with the truth. Others were just nuts., (such as Saul of Tarsus, and John of Patmos)

Back to the topic;

There are 613 mitzvah (commandments ) in the Torah,. They cover every aspect of daily life . Even today, orthodox Jews obey them as much as they humanly can. EG they are no longer allowed to stone people for adultery, or for having homosexual sex

Because Jesus had nothing to say about homosexuality, the hateful evangelicals Christians especially, cherry picked the book of Leviticus so they could condemn gays . In the the antebellum united states, people went to the Torah to justify slavery, as Jesus said nothing on the subject.

Along with most people who call themselves Christian, those pious hypocrites Ignore Jesus' most important admonition. Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandment. He said, the first, to love god. That second only to that, the greatest is to love your neighbour as yourself.

Jesus was then asked "who is my neighbour?" Jesus responded with the parable of the good Samaritan. The answer is very clear; Every man is your neighbour. Nothing was said about excluding gays or anyone else.

Seems to me that a great many christians are paradoxically, very fond of telling us who we should hate. Fuck 'em.

rubiowork11's picture
The all-knowing and

The all-knowing and compassionate god of the bible hates you but the sinning people on this forum accept you

Cognostic's picture
FUCK THAT!!! No one needs a

FUCK THAT!!! No one needs a frigging bible to hate you! The bible says we should kill you!

FievelJ's picture


Yeah well the Bible is fucked up.

Fuck that shit, and fuck any kind of religion.

Tin-Man's picture


Personally, I believe Christians are putting so much emphasis on the homosexual communities because they are attempting to avoid issues that are FAAAAAAR more important and more widespread and more detrimental to society. Mixed fiber clothing, for example. I don't have the numbers, but I am willing to bet that only an extremely small percentage of modern humans obey the command that forbids wearing clothing of mixed fibers. Oh, and the eating of shellfish. How many people today do you think actually follow THAT very serious rule that bans the eating of shellfish, huh? Humph! Seafood restaurants EVERYWHERE you look, and ALL of them serve shrimp, lobster, crab, oysters, and various other abominations. And they are ALL advertised right there on their menus in plain sight, proudly displayed for all to see. They don't even try to hide it or even act remotely ashamed. But do the Christians do or say anything about THOSE horrendous travesties against their Mighty Maker?.... Nnnnnn-oooooooooooo.... Their cowardice makes me sick.... *raising nose in air in indignation*....

Okay, okay... Yes, I admit I have been guilty of disobeying those perfectly reasonable and rational rules from time to time. Hey, I'm only human, right? But that does not necessarily mean I condone such sinful acts. It just means I had moments of weakness. After all, who could possibly NOT be tempted by two pounds of fresh boiled Alaskan King Crab legs sprinkled with lemon juice and dunked in hot melted butter?... *drooooool*.... And so maybe I DO get a feeling of guilty pleasure whenever I wear a comfy linen-wool sweatshirt on a cool Autumn day. It's not like I am hurting anybody, right? Besides, I ask for god's forgiveness each time I fail, so it's all cool, because I know he forgives me because the bible tells me so.

Therefore, Fievel ol' buddy, if any of those "holier-than-thou" Christians ever try to give you any shit, just give me a call. I will be more than happy to rip off their heads and shit down their throats. Then you and I can go hang out and have a few drinks with your friends. Oh, but the buffalo chicken wings need to be kosher. I am trying to keep my sinning to a minimum.

Edit to add: Oh, just saw Mikhael pop in here. You are welcomed to join us for those drinks and (kosher) wings, young man.

toto974's picture


Seriously Tin, don't hang it just before my very eyes!!!! Why did you have to talk about buffalo chicken wings????? Seriously, such a sucker punch! I've been to the confessional each Sunday for two frigging months!!!! Do you have any idea of the deception I see in the gentle eyes of good old Father Patrick?

Tin-Man's picture
@Talyyn Re: "Do you have any

@Talyyn Re: "Do you have any idea of the deception I see in the gentle eyes of good old Father Patrick?"

Well, obviously you are not acting sincere and repentful enough. You have to learn to dab tears from your eyes and insert a sudden sniffle into your confession every now and then. Besides, you don't have to go there EVERY Sunday. Space it out a bit in a random manner. That way the priest sees more people and is less likely to remember the details of your last visit. And if you can get a different priest each time, then that is definitely a bigger bonus. (Not to be confused with, "Bone us," by the way.)

FievelJ's picture


I don't really feel guilty eating shellfish. Shrimp is my favorite, only like crab to a point. And I have eaten lobster tail. Some Christians though are so against homosexuality but ignore the fact that it happens in the animal kingdom. There's lions which are so social that they do it with each other.

As for that drink, thanks I'll take that drink. I also smoke pot.

Edited; I love Chicken Wings.

Tin-Man's picture
@Fievel Re: "I don't really

@Fievel Re: "I don't really feel guilty eating shellfish."

...*astonished look of horror*.... WHAAAAAAT???? Please tell me you are joking! Oh, dear... I'm just not really sure what to think of you right now, you immoral bastard. How can ANY decent person NOT feel guilty about eating shellfish? And to think, all this time I had you pegged as being a fine, upstanding, morally sound kind of guy. Humph! I bet you don't even bother to pray and ask for forgiveness every time you DO eat shrimp. Simply deplorable... *shaking head in disappointment*... Tsk-tsk-tsk... Ya know, it is one thing to be an imperfect human and have moments of weakness every Tuesday and Friday nights at the "All-you-can-eat Crab & Lobster Fest" down at Skeeter's Seafood Palace and Boat Repair Shop. Totally understandable as long as one asks god for forgiveness each time, and then feels totally miserable until the next morning from over-eating. But - man! - for you to just intentionally go out to eat shrimp all willy-nilly whenever you feel like it "just because", and then blatantly admit you feel no shame or remorse?... *deeeeep calming breath*.... I... I... Uh, I just don't know, dude... That's some really hardcore shit. How the hell do you live with yourself???

Still, I suppose I shouldn't be so harsh or so quick to judge. Goodness knows I'm not perfect either... *shaking head sadly*... So, hey, what the hell... Drinks sound good. Oh, and I hope your friends like their chicken wings extra-extra spicy.

FievelJ's picture


If I believed in a god I might feel guilty, but there's no scientific evidence for a god. Therefor I guess I feel nothing whenever I do get to indulge in eating shrimp. It isn't that often, but I do like shrimp.

As for spicy wings I have Habanero pepper sauce is that hot enough?

Tin-Man's picture
@Fievel Re: "If I believed

@Fievel Re: "If I believed in a god I might feel guilty, but there's no scientific evidence for a god."

...LMAO... Dang, dude... *chuckle*... You really need to take your sarcasm/satire detector into the shop for maintainence. It would appear you are taking my posts waaaaay too literal and serious.... *nodding head in amusement*... Lighten up a bit, brother. It ain't always gotta be about gloom and doom. Leave that shit for the theists. Hell, we ain't gonna change 'em, so we might as well laugh at them and get some amount of enjoyment out of their nonsense... *chuckle*...

As for the Habanero pepper sauce, that's good enough for the kiddie table, I suppose. But what do you have that's actually spicy?... *impish grin*...

FievelJ's picture


I hardly take anything tooooo seriously, there's no time for that life is too short want to enjoy my life in anything I am doing. From writing stories to just sending messages I try to enjoy what life has to offer. I am here now but it is likely you just cease to exist when you die.

So taking things too seriously is just not me.

What do you want to do, put ghost peppers in wing sauce? Would that be spicey enough?

lol. Lets all have a drink. ;)

I meant to reply to Cranky. DOH!!

LogicFTW's picture
@Fievel and Tin-Man

@Fievel and Tin-Man

I do not feel guilty eating shellfish.

But I am selfish when I eat shellfish. No you cannot have my lobster claw, or crab claw. Or really any of my shellfish. Guess I am kind of an a hole that way. Go get your own!

Tin-Man's picture
@Fievel Re: "What do you

@Fievel Re: "What do you want to do, put ghost peppers in wing sauce? Would that be spicey enough?"

My wife actually grew a couple of batches of Ghost Peppers one year. They are delicious when chopped up, cooked in some scrambled eggs, and then mixed into a bowl of Ramen noodles. Yum!... *drool*...

Oh, by the way, I took the Death Nut challenge with my stepson a little over a year ago. Then, shortly after that, I did the Paqui One Chip Challenge. Fun stuff... *chuckle*... And a couple of nights ago I ordered the updated versions of both. They should be in by this weekend. Starting to sweat just thinking about it... *grin*... *wiping forehead with back of hand*...

boomer47's picture
@Fievel Mouskewitz

@Fievel Mouskewitz

Yair, I love prawns (shrimp) and even mussells. Can take or leave crayfish. (lobster) Just as well, they were $80 a kilo at Xmas.

Lurrrv chicken wings and also slow roasted pork spare ribs (another kosher no no)

I guess a case could be made for not eating shell fish and pork before refrigeration .

Kosher prohibition against shellfish is because they live in sea but do not have gills. Pork because pigs are hoofed animals but do not chew the cud.IE these things are unnatural. (this according to a rabbi on an on line yeshiva )

The argument that homosexuality occurs in nature I think may be Tu quo que,and irrelevant ---- Mate, you need to justify yourself to exactly NO ONE.

Perfectly OK to insist people accept you as you are , or they can fuck off. Depends on the depth of relationship I guess. With most casual friendships, the topic may simply never come up.

FievelJ's picture


I hardly take anything tooooo seriously, there's no time for that life is too short want to enjoy my life in anything I am doing. From writing stories to just sending messages I try to enjoy what life has to offer. I am here now but it is likely you just cease to exist when you die.

So taking things too seriously is just not me.

What do you want to do, put ghost peppers in wing sauce? Would that be spicey enough?

lol. Lets all have a drink. ;)

Should think before I type when stoned.

boomer47's picture


Speaking of peppers----I used to take sandwiches to work for lunch. One of the alleged wits in the office thought it would be hilarious to inject my sandwiches with chilli oil. I was not amused and called him a cunt. .

---as far as typing while you're stoned. Good rule. I don't smoke or otherwise ingest weed because I'm allergic. I get very ill. However, I learned the hard way not to write emails or make phone calls when (1) I was angry (2) when I was shickered.

boomer47's picture


"FUCK THAT!!! No one needs a frigging bible to hate you! The bible says we should kill you!"

Yair, no dithering by old testament YHWH! Fathers were even allowed to kill recalcitrant children, and sell daughters (not sons) into slavery if they say needed a new tent.

---and then of course was the time honoured practice of off mass murder as when they conquered Cannaan. The promised land was apparently already occupied.

Looking at the 613 mitzvot, there seems to have been a very long list of capital offences. ---and this was with their own people. At that time, 'stranger' meant 'enemy' and could be killed---the commandment says "thou shall commit no murder" .

It was effectively "We hate you because you're not us". Much like many modern day Christians.

Calilasseia's picture
I derive considerable

I derive considerable amusement, from confronting the usual suspects on this subject with invertebrate zoology. Which quickly poses insuperable problems for the "homosexuality isn't natural" brigade. Not just because of the numerous documented species of gay insects, but because there are invertebrate species whose sex lives involve epic levels of weirdness that would be physically impossible for even the most determined of humans to emulate.

Sometimes the individuals in question leave skid marks in their desperation to put distance between themselves and my, shall we say, colourful accounts of various organisms and their horizontal high jinks...

Cognostic's picture
I believe I read that 10% of

I believe I read that 10% of all mammal species are homosexual. I know it is at least 10% of all humans. "No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.["

David Killens's picture
I don't have any problem with

I don't have any problem with homosexuality. Some of my dearest friends are gay.

I have a huge problem with intolerant assholes.

Sending my love Fievel, you are better than the assholes and a lot better than the bible.

Kevin Levites's picture
Hi guys. I'm a new member,

Hi guys. I'm a new member, and this is my first post.

This topic was interesting, as I worked as a paramedic, and got suspended and disciplined because of the impact of religious priorities on gay people.

To explain what happened, I'll ask you to accept certain things--just for the sake of discussion--so that you can understand my position.

I have an editic memory (as I'm a high-functioning autistic person), and I discovered--while organizing my EMS run reports--that if a wife accompanies her husband to the hospital, and holds his hand and wipes his brow....that I can use smaller dosages of cardiac medications to accomplish whatever it is that I want to do.

I expanded these principles and ideas to cover the other half of a gay (or lesbian) couple, under the theory that a paramedic must be nonjudgmental.

This is one of the things that destroyed my career.

1 out of every 8 hospital beds in Florida is in a religious hospital. These religious hospitals had a policy of separating gay (and lesbian) couples, as religious hospitals tend to follow religious rules (no surprise).

So, I get suspended for breaking hospital policy because I treated a gay couple like a married couple.

In other words, it's okay to be nonjudgmental....as long as we don't go too far and treat gay people like they're actually married or something.

If anyone doubts my claim, then look up Lisa Pond vs. Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.

Religion really, really sucks.

Kevin Levites's picture
Hi guys. I'm a new member,

Hi guys. I'm a new member, and this is my first post.

This topic was interesting, as I worked as a paramedic, and got suspended and disciplined because of the impact of religious priorities on gay people.

To explain what happened, I'll ask you to accept certain things--just for the sake of discussion--so that you can understand my position.

I have an editic memory (as I'm a high-functioning autistic person), and I discovered--while organizing my EMS run reports--that if a wife accompanies her husband to the hospital, and holds his hand and wipes his brow....that I can use smaller dosages of cardiac medications to accomplish whatever it is that I want to do.

I expanded these principles and ideas to cover the other half of a gay (or lesbian) couple, under the theory that a paramedic must be nonjudgmental.

This is one of the things that destroyed my career.

1 out of every 8 hospital beds in Florida is in a religious hospital. These religious hospitals had a policy of separating gay (and lesbian) couples, as religious hospitals tend to follow religious rules (no surprise).

So, I get suspended for breaking hospital policy because I treated a gay couple like a married couple.

In other words, it's okay to be nonjudgmental....as long as we don't go too far and treat gay people like they're actually married or something.

If anyone doubts my claim, then look up Lisa Pond vs. Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.

Religion really, really sucks.

Mikhael's picture
I once for into a fight with

I once for into a fight with a woman on catholic answers because she said you shouldn't allow dying queers to see their partners because you might be able to save their soul in those last moments and if not, you at least wouldn't be guilty of the sin of scandal by looking like you didn't hate homos enough

Mikhael's picture
Right there with you, trans

Right there with you, trans and queer, from a church that taught it's ok to be gay...you just have to live celibate and alone forever

Cognostic's picture
What a fucked up ruling.

What a fucked up ruling. Wow! I can not imagine a hospital keeping me out of a room where a loved one was dying. But then I am 6ft tall and 240 pounds. I would like to meet the asshole who could keep me out of that room, What a fucking horror story. And all we are left to do is add it to our ever lengthening list of fucked up shit religious people do in the name of their fucked up faith.


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