I am homosexual, what the Bible says

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NewSkeptic's picture
"But then I am 6ft tall and
Cognostic's picture
What I need to mix in is some
boomer47's picture
" Getting old sucks-------"
Mikhael's picture
It's nasty.
Sheldon's picture
"morals is doing what's right
Get off my lawn's picture
This seems to be a quote from
Sheldon's picture
@Fievel Mousekewitz
FievelJ's picture
Kevin Levites's picture
I ran into issues like this
Nyarlathotep's picture
Imagine if they had said:
CyberLN's picture
They likely did say that at
boomer47's picture
"That is basically what they
Kevin Levites's picture
Thank you both for answering,
aperez241's picture
These hospital regulations
LogicFTW's picture
Yeah one has to wonder how do
Kevin Levites's picture
(directed at aperez241)
Whitefire13's picture
Hey, I wouldn’t worry about
qilin's picture
Homosexuality isn‘t a sin but
Joy--'s picture
I’m not sure that’s fair.
Tin-Man's picture
@Joy Re: "I’m pretty sure it
Joy--'s picture
“Howdy, Joy. Since you
CyberLN's picture
Joy, you wrote, “You do
Joy--'s picture
“Joy, you wrote, “You do
CyberLN's picture
Remember, Joy, you used the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Why do we keep getting
CyberLN's picture
It’s as if imprecision is a
Tin-Man's picture
Joy--'s picture
“Oh-dear-lord... *face palm*.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Joy - The Old Testament rules
Tin-Man's picture
@Oh... Joy.... (By the way,


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