I can prove God Exists, is that a problem?
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@New Skeptic and LostLocke
Nothing at all against Thor or Lolth. They're pretty cool, I suppose. But I am really hoping for it to be Loki. Allllllthooooough.... Hey, what if it could be all three? Awesome!
Well Tin-Man, I looked up the definitive site for the coolest gods:
I'll have you know Thor was 3rd while Loki finished an unimpressive 13th.
But I do like your trinity idea. Why has no one thought of 3 gods in 1 before? It makes so much sense.
3 gods in one--the economy pack!
Nobody believes Loki has Daddy Issues
This is dedicated to Nobody, the person who could totally change history with his proof of God.
every month atleast one this kind of person come and go here and every time they just waste everyone's time with same claims without any evidence. I usually don't read or respond to such threads but this time when "Nobody" claimed that he can prove gods exitance I get excited but what I see here only claim without evidence... :(
Hi Ranjeet. If you can identify something in the Universe that can create itself, you can apply for the Nobel Prize in Science. Nobody thinks that is worth the effort.
"If you can identify something in the Universe that can create itself"
Everything is a product of evolutionary forces. Everything is constantly evolving into something new.
Creation precedes evolution. The question wasn't "If you can identify something in the Universe that can evolve." Why modify the original question?
Argumentum ad ignorantiam, poor stuff, look up common logical fallacy.
0/10 must do better.
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence"
Christopher Hitchens
Demonstrate some evidence for a deity, time for nobody to piss or get off the pot.
Anyone who enters this forum and makes such a bold assertion without providing any proof has .. nothing.
My mind is open, but until real proof is provided, it's fun time.
Hi DK - I will let you prove that God exists. If you can identify anything in the Universe with the capacity to create itself, then God doesn't exist. If you can't, then a Force that exists outside of the Universe, and existed before the Universe created everything in the Universe. That Force is God.
State your proof fully and professionally, not loosely and cryptically!!
I don't see a proper argument here, let alone an attempted proof!
Nobody "I can prove God Exists"
"Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur"
So no you can't. Hitchens's razor applied.
Buzz kill.
@NewSkeptic Re: Buzz kill
Yep. Leave it to Sheldon to bring that annoying logic and reason crap into the discussion. Is it too much to ask to simply be left alone with our delusions?
Hi Sheldon - Nothing in the Universe has the Capacity to Create Itself. Therefore a Force outside the Universe with the capacity to create the Universe must exist. That Force is God. Nobody thinks Hitchens was a blowhard.
Is an argument from ignorance really your only "assertion"? That's really funny, no seriously.
Sorry Mr. Pope and others, nothing to see here. No momentous day in history and most sadly, no Thor.
The universe is not in the same category as the objects within it. What applies to objects within it may or may not apply to the universe. We have no observational experience in how universes form, so applying rules derived from how objects form (a different category of things) is totally irrelevant! So much for your proof.
Anyone else see the humour of:
Someone with the name of "nobody" saying he can prove god exist?
Pretty easy to read that as:
"Nobody can prove god exists, is that a problem?
Ruins it with the next line with the word "I" if not the rickroll would of been perfect.
Another "drive by" it looks like. But what is to be expected when people make such claims they cannot back?
@Logic Re: Nobody can prove god exists
Awwwww, maaaaaan....! How the hell did I miss that??? Damn, I must be getting rusty.... *looking around frantically*... Shit, where did I put that oil can?
You are free to counter my assertion. Please try.
@Nobody....(in particular) Re: "You are free to counter my assertion."
Awwww..... How sad... Apparently Nobody cares.... *puppy dog eyes filling with tears*....
Is there an oil for that?
What is your assertion?
"I can prove god exists" I do not see an assertion there, just an empty claim.
Reading some of the rest of the thread, I can guess that your assertion is: "something cannot come from nothing...therefore god."
Which is a nonsensical assertion for many reasons. Others already pointed out various reasons why it is nonsensical of which you ignored. But you did ask me to try so here goes even though I will be repeating what others said here for the most part.
In no particular order:
1. Which god? Non specific? If god idea is so non specific, what's the point in discussing said god, let alone worshiping/praying to it? If said god cant even be described?
2. We as a human race have no way of knowing what was before the singularity that precipitated the big bang, at least so far. It could be "nothing" it could not be. We have no way of knowing if there was always something or not. So you are trying to make an assertion based off something that is unknown.
3. Even if we did somehow confirm there was a "nothing" why is it that means god? No other possible possibilities of what created something out of nothing?
4. Wouldn't said hypothetical god be "something" so it was not nothing?
5. What created god? Did he come from nothing? How did that happen? (I know many say he is eternal, so in a way you are saying there always was something.) Why does this human created god idea suddenly get to have an exception to every rule? Perhaps because that is highly convenient to those that profit off the various god ideas? Create an entity idea that is bound by no rules, yet acts incredibly finite life span human like?
I say this a lot lately, but look up the word god. The agreed upon definition. If you disagree with the agreed upon definition you need to clarify what your definition of god is.
In my mind, the very idea of "god" is sunk by its own commonly accepted definition of god. It is why I am atheist and not agnostic.
"I can prove God Exists, is that a problem?"
There are thousands of Gods = http://www.graveyardofthegods.org/deadgods/listofgods.html
Name your favorite imaginary deity.
Could a committee really have created the Universe? There is only One God, and He did it all.
"There is only One God, and He did it all."
Is Yeshua (Jesus) God?
Pure dogma. I see no reasoning. Do you have a problem with dead, blind, energy and space acting in accordance with quantum mechanics as the "creator" of our universe?
@,Nobody: Not interested.