I can prove God Exists, is that a problem?

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fniperlives's picture
I can prove God Exists, is that a problem?

I can prove God exists. Or is that really an issue among atheists? I am sincerely trying to help anyone who is seeking the Truth.

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NewSkeptic's picture
Wow, the first person ever to
fniperlives's picture
I have heard that nobody can
CyberLN's picture
Is your proof testable,
fniperlives's picture
LostLocke's picture
Have at it.
fniperlives's picture
Identify Anything in the
mickron88's picture
so he lived before the
fniperlives's picture
Nobody is happy you now
CyberLN's picture
Nobody, you wrote, “Identify
fniperlives's picture
1. The assertion is that
algebe's picture
@Nobody: Unless of course,
Sheldon's picture
"2. Unless of course, you
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Identify Anything in the
fniperlives's picture
Perhaps you Should
Sheldon's picture
You should familiarise
Sheldon's picture
That one is called an ad
David Killens's picture
fniperlives's picture
In other words you can't
Sheldon's picture
"In other words you can't
David Killens's picture
Science does not claim that
Sheldon's picture
Nothing in current scientific
Cognostic's picture
That supernatural force was
fniperlives's picture
I was created by God, you
Sheldon's picture
What objective evidence can
DawkinsBulldog's picture
Please provide the evidence
fniperlives's picture
The existence of the Universe
Sheldon's picture
"The existence of the
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Your entire argument is as
Dave Matson's picture


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