I can prove God Exists, is that a problem?

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mickron88's picture
NOBODY: knock knock??


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fniperlives's picture
Nobody thinks you are funny
mickron88's picture
i didn't say i was funny
fniperlives's picture
Someone is watching me
Tin-Man's picture
@Nobody...(in particular)
Bumblebutt's picture
I cannot “prove” God exists,
fniperlives's picture
Nobody relies on the Truth
Sheldon's picture
If only there were an
Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Nobody. Welcome to
fniperlives's picture
Oz never did give nothing to
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Oz never did give
Cognostic's picture
WTF do you mean there is only
fniperlives's picture
False gods, suit the false
Sheldon's picture
Tautology, circular reasoning
NewSkeptic's picture
Okay, I've alerted the media,
fniperlives's picture
Nobody is more real than Thor
LostLocke's picture
I never thought of that. As
fniperlives's picture
Nobody is cooler than Lilith.
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I can prove that that Dr
Tin-Man's picture
@SecularSOB Re: Dr. Pepper
RANJEET's picture
Tin-Man's picture
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Try Oct. Lime rust calcium.
Tin-Man's picture
@SecularSOB Re: LRC
fniperlives's picture
Send some to congress
Tin-Man's picture
@Nobody....(in particular)
fniperlives's picture
Nobody thinks medical advice
CyberLN's picture
Nobody suffers from illeism.
Alembé's picture
Thank you, LN,
fniperlives's picture
Are you an expert on such?


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