I can prove God Exists, is that a problem?

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mickron88's picture
NOBODY: knock knock??

NOBODY: knock knock??
QUASI: who is it?
NOBODY: "nobody"
QUASI: "nobody" who?
NOBODY: ............
QUASI: "nobody" who?
NOBODY: ............

then silence followed the conversation..*cricket chirping*


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fniperlives's picture
Nobody thinks you are funny

Nobody thinks you are funny

mickron88's picture
i didn't say i was funny

i didn't say i was funny either...

what's your relationship with "someone" ?

fniperlives's picture
Someone is watching me

Someone is watching me

Tin-Man's picture
@Nobody...(in particular)

@Nobody...(in particular)

Whoa!... Hey, if Someone is watching Nobody, then who is watching ME?


Bumblebutt's picture
I cannot “prove” God exists,

I cannot “prove” God exists, however, I believe he does. I see evidence all around me. The horrible thing is I see the same evidence that the atheist sees. Only I interpret it differently. So...this is why I cannot prove God exists.

fniperlives's picture
Nobody relies on the Truth

Nobody relies on the Truth not Interpretations of the Truth

Sheldon's picture
If only there were an

If only there were an objective method for validating "evidence", oh wait a minute...

Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Nobody. Welcome to

Hey there, Nobody. Welcome to the AR. So, before I read any other responses, I hope you don't mind if I ask a quick question.

Sinces you have such incredibly life-changing proof that could drastically alter society as a whole, why not simply tell us what it is, rather than just making a claim you have it?

(Oh, wait... Two questions, actually.)

Ummm, for which god do you have proof?

Now I'm going to read the other responses. I have a sneaky suspicion some will be similar to mine. *chuckle*

fniperlives's picture
Oz never did give nothing to

Oz never did give nothing to the tin man that he didn't already have. There is only one God, He created the Universe, which means He existed before the Universe did, and He has the capacity to create that which does not have the capacity to create itself. Nobody thinks atheism is silly.

Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Oz never did give

Re: "Oz never did give nothing to the tin man that he didn't already have."

Dammit! Despite what Anybody says, I think I'm kinda starting to like Nobody. Granted, Someone may disagree with this, but Nobody was even a little funny in that last post and it made me laugh. Oh, sure, Everybody might get a little annoyed with it. I understand. However, I'm sure Somebody knows Anybody can have a good moment once in awhile. After all, Nobody can never totally disagree with Someone about Everybody. Anybody knows that, regardless if Somebody doesn't like Someone. Pretty simple if you think about it.

Cognostic's picture
WTF do you mean there is only

WTF do you mean there is only one God. Have you read your bible? 1st Commandment: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Are you saying God is lying?

Some of the Gods Mentioned in the Bible
*not an exhaustive list
Adrammelech II Kings 17:31 Sepharvite God.
Anammelech II Kings 17:31 Sepharvite God.
Ashima II Kings 17:30 Samaritan Moon Goddess.
Ashtoreth I Kings 11:05 Canaanite Goddess.
Baal I Kings 18:19 Canaanite God ("Lord") of fertility, vegitation, and storms.
Baal-berith Judges 8:33 A regional variation/aspect of Baal.
Baal-peor Numbers 25:03 Moabite regional variation/aspect of Baal.
Baal-zebub Luke 11:19 Philistine/Ekronian regional variation/aspect of Baal.
Baalim I Kings 18:18 Canaanite Gods ("Lords"), a collective of the different aspects of Baa.
Bel Isiah 46:01 Assyrian/Babylonian/Sumerian God ("Lord").
Chemosh I Kings 11:07 Moabite war God.
Dagon I Samuel 05:02 Philistine/Ekronian/Babylonian God of agriculture.
Diana of the Ephesians Acts 19:35 Ephesian moon and nature Goddess, ("Divine/Brilliant").
Jehovah Exodus 6:03 Hebrew God
Jupiter Acts 14:12 Roman God (possibly derived from 'Zeus-pater', Father Zeus).
Lucifer Isiah 14:12 ("Light-Bearer")
Mercurius Acts 14:12 Otherwise known as the Roman God Mercury, God of communication and travel, and messenger of the Gods...which is probably why Paul was called this at Lystra.
Milcom I Kings 11:05 Ammonite God
Molech I Kings 11:07 Ammonite God, also called Moloch, most probably Baal-Hammon of Carthage.
Nebo Isiah 46:01 Assyrian/Babylonian/Chaldean God of wisdom and writing, also called Nabu.
Nergal II Kings 17:30 Cuth/Assyrian/Babylonian war and underworld God, also called Meshlamthea.
Nibhaz II Kings 17:31 Avites God
Nisroch II Kings 19:37 Assyrian God
Rimmon II Kings 05:18 Babylonian/Syrian storm God involved (as Ramman) with the Deluge, according to Hebrew texts; also known as Ramman/Rammon.
Succoth-benoth II Kings 17:30 Babylonian fertility Goddess ("She Who Produces Seed"), also known as Zarpanitu/Zerpanitum.
Tammuz Ezekial 8:14 Assyrian/Babylonian God
Tartak II Kings 17:31 Avites God

Paul warns over and over that other people's Gods are not his gods. Exactly how do you eliminate all the other Gods? Not even your god agrees that there is only one god. Christianity isn't even a monotheistic faith. At best it is henotheistic, believing in one superior god from all possible gods. And then you have the problem of Satan. A completely free god who left your god of his own free will and over whom your god has no power or control. outside of a mere assertion of power and control. If your god had power, would he not have stopped Satan in the beginning? If your god exists, he is an idiot.

fniperlives's picture
False gods, suit the false

False gods, suit the false intellect. I assumed you knew that.

Sheldon's picture
Tautology, circular reasoning

Tautology, circular reasoning.

Still nothing in the way of evidence, 0/10, must try harder.

"God is dead" Nietzsche...

NewSkeptic's picture
Okay, I've alerted the media,

Okay, I've alerted the media, the Pope and the leaders of the other major religions. All of them are hoping it is their God you are proving. I have a feeling some political agencies may be monitoring as well.

So, without further ado, let this momentous day in history commence. Gotta admit, I'm sorting hoping it's Thor.

fniperlives's picture
Nobody is more real than Thor

Nobody is more real than Thor

LostLocke's picture
I never thought of that. As

I never thought of that. As others have pointed out above, I may have been presumptuous about the word "God". Since you spelled it with a capital G, I assumed you meant the Abrahamic god. I don't know if you are a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, but that would then specifically refer to Jehovah, Yahweh, and Allah respectively. If not then I apologize.

I'd like to put my vote in for "God" being Lolth.
I mean, Jehovah is the Lord of Hosts. Lolth is Queen of Spiders and Goddess of the Underdark.
Sorry, but Lolth has way cooler titles than Jehovah.

fniperlives's picture
Nobody is cooler than Lilith.

Nobody is cooler than Lilith.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I can prove that that Dr

I can prove that that Dr pepper isn't really a doctor, but of course... I can actually provide evidence of my claim.

Tin-Man's picture
@SecularSOB Re: Dr. Pepper

@SecularSOB Re: Dr. Pepper

WHAT??? He's not really a doctor?... Hmmmm.... Well, I suppose that does explain why I could never get an appointment scheduled with him for that annoying rash I had.

RANJEET's picture


"Well, I suppose that does explain why I could never get an appointment scheduled with him for that annoying rash I had."

well you never get appointment because he is doctor not a robot mechanic. :D

Tin-Man's picture


Ohhhhh.... So you are saying that he is actually just discriminating against those of us of metal persuasion. How rude!

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Try Oct. Lime rust calcium.

Try LRC. Lime rust calcium. Will work wonder for your metal ass lol

Tin-Man's picture
@SecularSOB Re: LRC

@SecularSOB Re: LRC

Oh, hell yeah! That stuff is GREAT! If I sit in it too long, though, I start to crinkle.

fniperlives's picture
Send some to congress

Send some to congress

Tin-Man's picture
@Nobody....(in particular)

@Nobody....(in particular) Re: "Send some to congress"

Nah. Those old fuckers up they are crinkled enough as it is.

fniperlives's picture
Nobody thinks medical advice

Nobody thinks medical advice from DR PEPPER leads to the continuation of the Diabetes Conspiracy

CyberLN's picture
Nobody suffers from illeism.

Nobody suffers from illeism.

Alembé's picture
Thank you, LN,

Thank you, LN,

Because of your response, I learned a new word today.

fniperlives's picture
Are you an expert on such?

Are you an expert on such?


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