I can prove God Exists, is that a problem?

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Terminal Dogma's picture
@tin, that can't be right
Tin-Man's picture
@Term-dog Re: "....if
Terminal Dogma's picture
@tin just give me a minute to
Dave Matson's picture
fniperlives's picture
Bad Breath, I'm afraid.
Terminal Dogma's picture
I want nobody to reply to
Tin-Man's picture
@Term-dog Re: "I want
Terminal Dogma's picture
I don't want anybody or
Tin-Man's picture
fniperlives's picture
Nobody grants your wish
Cognostic's picture
@ sapporo : @Nobody
fniperlives's picture
God has never contradicted
Terminal Dogma's picture
If nobody sucked my nuts does
Sapporo's picture
If nobody knocks down a tree
Terminal Dogma's picture
Depends, was anybody there
Aposteriori unum's picture
Nobody can prove God exists!
fniperlives's picture
Nobody is still trying to
fniperlives's picture
I guess the proof that God
Terminal Dogma's picture
Nobody's God is the God of
Thinker's picture
the only person that claimed
Terminal Dogma's picture
Sooooo are we done, God has
Tin-Man's picture
@Term-dog Re: "Sooooo are we
Cognostic's picture
I can do it.
Paul Gardner's picture
There are two possible
arakish's picture
Cognostic's picture
WOW! Someone has been
arakish's picture
Here is the premise
Kataclismic's picture
I can use the same logic as
Tin-Man's picture
Ya know, after reviewing most
Dave Matson's picture
Yes, it is a problem. Making


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