Nineveh only heard and believed.warning this debate might convert you
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Teachings about how to behave cannot prove something unobservable.
"What Jesus did"
David is one of the more disgusting characters in the Bible. He is definitely not someone to be used as a role model for good morals.
As Christian's we should be doing this as believers in Jesus name.
So do you lie and con people into believing in god and Jesus. Do you call them sinners and threatened them with Hell?
"As Christian's we should be doing this as believers in Jesus name."
Not one person in human history has ever believed in Yeshua because not one person has ever had enough faith to pass his test. BTW, Jesus has only existed since 1632 when a couple of con men made up the name for the biblical character.
@ Socialist view...what conning innocent folk? Lying? Thats what pastors do...