Nineveh only heard and believed.warning this debate might convert you

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Reggie Cousar's picture
It says miracles follow the

It says miracles follow the believer not the other way around. The great deception of the anti Christ is doing miracles so you can believe. Jesus said put what he says into action. Try him out for once and see a different result.

Sapporo's picture
Socialistview: It says

Socialistview: It says miracles follow the believer not the other way around. The great deception of the anti Christ is doing miracles so you can believe. Jesus said put what he says into action. Try him out for once and see a different result.

Actually the Jesus of the gospels told his disciples to tell no one of the miracles he allegedly performed (Mark 7:36), according to apologists because he wanted his followers to focus on his words.

If a miracle is an act that happens contrary to the laws of nature, then by definition, a miracle cannot happen.

Kataclismic's picture
Psalms 14:1

Psalms 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Methinks he doth protest too much.

Cognostic's picture
RE: Psalms 14:1

RE: Psalms 14:1

Matthew 5:22 NIV
But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Will I see Jesus in Hell?

alpha480v's picture
Any argument on religion

Any argument on religion involving the scriptures in the bible as supposed "evidence" fails miserably.

Cognostic's picture
@kevinr: READ the two bible

@kevinr: READ the two bible quotes again. Stop pretending you are illiterate. The whole point of the second quote is to demonstrate - "Any argument on religion involving the scriptures in the bible as supposed "evidence" fails miserably." CAN YOU NOT FIGURE THAT OUT?

Closet_atheist's picture


Why are you bothering kevinr?

Arguing over scripture is dumb and a waste of time for both parties.

Just break out the Biology book and teach Socialistview about human evolution, and then call it a day.

Y’all are arguing for the sake of arguing, which is pointless, or CAN YOU NOT FIGURE THAT OUT?

xenoview's picture


Why haven't you got the biology book out?

Cognostic's picture
Thank you Mr. Obvious.

Thank you Mr. Obvious.

alpha480v's picture
Excuse ne? I quite frankly

Mr. Cognostic,

Excuse ne? I quite frankly don't know what the hell you are on about. I was responding about the original post. Not anything that you wrote

Cognostic's picture
@ kevinr: As it follows mine

@ kevinr: As it follows mine, the assumption was logically fallacious. :-) Correlation is not causation. Obviously we were in complete agreement.

xenoview's picture
Still waiting for the debate

Still waiting for the debate that will convert me.

Do you have any evidence outside of the bible that could convert me?

Cognostic's picture
Would the promise of 72

Would the promise of 72 virgins help convert you...... That is outside the bible.

xenoview's picture


I have one woman, she is plenty enough for me.

Tin-Man's picture
Well, for what it's worth,

Well, for what it's worth, the main reason I became an atheist is because I was told The Dark Side has free cookies. Granted, I have yet to see a single friggin' cookie, but at this point I am holding out until a better offer comes along. 72 virgins certainly do not interest me. Waaay too much of a headache. (And, besides, I have never heard any clarification of exactly what type of virgins they are suppose to be.) Anyway, I really had hopes that this thread would finally be the one to convince me to convert and offer something better than non-existent cookies. Alas, I suppose I shall continue my search for those delicious baked treats.... *using flashlight to look under nearest couch*....

Cognostic's picture
Cookies?? I was told cake

Cookies?? I was told cake and ice cream. Cookies? Fk!!!

Reggie Cousar's picture
What I was saying the whole

What I was saying the whole time and also tell this doesn't correlate with Isaiah 65:17-25 but it still could be false but tell me how would you defraud this?

David Killens's picture


"but tell me how would you defraud this?"

You still don't get it. It is up to the claimant to prove their claims. As an unbeliever, it is not up to me to disprove the ramblings of a semi-educated kid, but rather for you to prove what he says is valid.

Reggie Cousar's picture
Ok do you want physical

Ok do you want physical evidence?

xenoview's picture
So you have a boy that saying

So you have a boy that saying God exist, but didn't give any evidence.

WTF! A time traveler.

Your going to have to get some objective evidence to prove God is real.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Socialistview - how would

Socialistview - how would you defraud this?...

I understand how someone could be duped by the kid talking about gravity; but time travelers from the year 5000? Are you on drugs?

Sky Pilot's picture


"What I was saying the whole time and also tell this doesn't correlate with Isaiah 65:17-25 but it still could be false but tell me how would you defraud this?"

Just remember that Isaiah said that that the Gentiles will be slaves to the Jews in Israel. Are you OK with being a slave?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Socialist View

@ Socialist View
Jeez, thanks, I just watched a clever 12 year olds version of the Kalam nonsense.

Please explain to me how the Isaiah verses say anything about a singularity? Or where it says 13.8 billion years or are you just puffing smoke again?

Reggie Cousar's picture
When Jesus comes back.

When Jesus comes back.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Socialist View

@ Socialist View

Did Jesus ever exist?

Reggie Cousar's picture


Sheldon's picture
I see a new raft of claims, I

I see a new raft of claims, I see no pretence of evidencing them. As David is patiently pointing out to you, when you make claims they carry a burden of proof, other wise the epistemological razor re-popularised by, and renamed after, the late Christopher Hitchens applies.

"That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence"

Stop leaping from claim to claim, when you have been asked and failed to evidence earlier claims, it comes across as preaching or sermonising, and whilst I vcan't speak for other atheists I detest being preached at, as I am not a theist.

For example demonstrate your best objective evidence that any deity exists. Then demonstrate objective evidence that the christian deity is real, then demonstrate objective evidence that Jesus was a real person, then demonstrate objective evidence that Jesus was anything more than human.

The bible cannot rational evidence it's own claims, so please don't waste our time with biblical quotations. Arguments containing common logical fallacies will be mocked, mercilessly.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Socialist View

@ Socialist View

And your evidence for the existence of this Jesus?

There is no contemporary evidence at all for a "jesus" as described in the gospels. Nothing.

So are you going to surprise us all with your previously undiscovered evidence?

NewSkeptic's picture
Shaka, when the walls fell.

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

CyberLN's picture
Bah ha hah ha....

Bah ha hah ha....


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