Richard Dawkins says maybe it is better if AGI replaces humans!

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ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Random said:
Randomhero1982's picture
Does it mean that it is a
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Random said:
Randomhero1982's picture
Congratulations, Your very
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Congratulations, Your very
Randomhero1982's picture
Well it's clear you missed
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
Sheldon's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan "You are
Sheldon's picture
I still didn't get an answer
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon said:
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
Sheldon's picture
"Although obvious, beliefs
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
So you believe the article
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
Sheldon's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
Sheldon's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
Sheldon's picture
Again you've simply ignored
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Again you've simply ignored
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
The degree of coherence
Sheldon's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
Sheldon's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Sheldon said:


Attach Image/Video?: 

ProgrammingGodJordan's picture


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