On Rules

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Witness1625's picture
CyberLN's picture
So you don't follow the rules
Witness1625's picture
I am not an Old Testament
ThePragmatic's picture
Mathew 5:18-19
Witness1625's picture
Yes, and those laws were
ThePragmatic's picture
Could you perhaps elaborate?
Witness1625's picture
Urged on by watchman, I will
ThePragmatic's picture
OK. But that doesn't really
Witness1625's picture
And the last part of the
ThePragmatic's picture
And you claim everything is
Witness1625's picture
Perhaps the NLT will make
ThePragmatic's picture
No need to apologize.
ThePragmatic's picture
Sorry, I should have quoted
GodlessGal's picture
Atheism is not 'anarchism',
CyberLN's picture
Witness, your profile picture
Witness1625's picture
So do you believe, that the
CyberLN's picture
'Should' is a word I would
ThePragmatic's picture
Do you enjoy disorder and
Witness1625's picture
Nope, is that your reason for
ThePragmatic's picture
It is part of it, sure.
GodlessGal's picture
First of all who is 'we'?
Witness1625's picture
We ~ I and the rest of a
watchman's picture
Just a couple of questions
Witness1625's picture
What does the amount of
watchman's picture
“The reason I keep asking
Witness1625's picture
"It is part of our species
Andrew McArthur's picture
Witness1625. Here's you big
Witness1625's picture
God has handed down Ten
cmallen's picture
So then why do Christians
Witness1625's picture
Romans 6 King James Version


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