On Rules

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cmallen's picture
Nice try, Witness, but this
Witness1625's picture
Okay, sorry, that passage is
cmallen's picture
Good answer. Your reason for
Witness1625's picture
It basically all come down to
cmallen's picture
Faith surely informs action.
Witness1625's picture
Faith that doesn't cause
cmallen's picture
Thank you for finally
Witness1625's picture
Sometimes it is just so
cmallen's picture
Blind faith apply more to
Spewer's picture
"...no one can keep them
Andrew McArthur's picture
Oops that should have read
Andrew McArthur's picture
This is not intended to mock
Witness1625's picture
Amen! I Agree.
CyberLN's picture
Off the hook from having to
Witness1625's picture
This is not to say that
Spewer's picture
"This is not to say that
Andrew McArthur's picture
Try to imagine a society
Witness1625's picture
This is the comment I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Try answering ths question:
Witness1625's picture
I am not here to insult you.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Have you ever asked yourself,
Witness1625's picture
Okay, so do you really
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
" If so why do you follow
Witness1625's picture
So you admit to the fact that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
My morality and your morality
Witness1625's picture
You say, "I have proven that
Johnny Moronic's picture
I read your posts and most of
Witness1625's picture
Here is what I said to Jeff
cmallen's picture
Ah, and you were doing so
Witness1625's picture
I am sure you realize that


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