On Rules

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Witness1625's picture
On Rules

So, I have a question, that I hope you all can answer for me. I asked the atheists over at "Atheistforum.com" So now I am here. Please, I would like answer.
Why are there rulse on this forum? How do you justify them?

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watchman's picture
OK Witness1625 ....
Witness1625's picture
Right, so my question is why
watchman's picture
Witness ....
cmallen's picture
Come on, Witness! We are
Spewer's picture
"Why are there rules on this
cmallen's picture
It's just a presuppositional
Witness1625's picture
Sorry, I am not some arguing,
Spewer's picture
"But Why should time run
AntigoneRisen's picture
Look, I'm going to be nice,
ex-christian_atheist's picture
There aren't forum rules
Witness1625's picture
So morality is what you want?
Nyarlathotep's picture
Godwin's law
Witness1625's picture
Would you prefer the slavery
science's picture
Why couldn't "God" stop him
Witness1625's picture
So are you wondering why bad
science's picture
Drop this, it's getting
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Why should time run smoothly
Witness1625's picture
So are you saying that the
AntigoneRisen's picture
Have you read the Bible cover
cmallen's picture
No one said your questions
Witness1625's picture
"You can keep asking stupid
cmallen's picture
Sorry, I didn't see that.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Why should time run smoothly
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
science's picture
Yes, God has all these rules.
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Why are there rulse on this
Witness1625's picture
Absolutely! I agree.
Travis Hedglin's picture
"However, Why if there is no
Witness1625's picture
"The laws of logic are purely
CyberLN's picture
Do you eat shrimp?


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