Scientific advancements

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ThePragmatic's picture
Scientific advancements

I thought it might be a good idea to create a subject for posting interesting news about the worst nightmare for creationist, news of scientific advancements.

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ThePragmatic's picture
Super fast evolution observed
ThePragmatic's picture
And the jawbone that ImFree
cmallen's picture
Also from that site. This
ThePragmatic's picture
Really cool, I hadn't read
CyberLN's picture
Here's a good one from NatGeo
ImFree's picture
Thanks for the link, I
ThePragmatic's picture
Interesting documentary,
mysticrose's picture
This is a very interesting
science's picture
Unfortunately Rose, I don't
ThePragmatic's picture
Some recent fossil
cmallen's picture
Scientific advancement that
CyberLN's picture
Good chuckle over that one!
cmallen's picture
yea, I watch it every now and
ImFree's picture
Truth hurts their thinking...
ThePragmatic's picture
A fossil just 1.2 millimeters
cmallen's picture
That is beautiful.
Pitar's picture
All anecdotal because in the
ThePragmatic's picture
The trilobites they find in
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm taking some kids in the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Update: The fossil hunt didn
ThePragmatic's picture
That sounds fun. I wish I had
Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh it was a blast, but some
ThePragmatic's picture
ImFree already posted about
ThePragmatic's picture
This isn't an advancement per
ThePragmatic's picture
And the shadow of the Moon on
Pitar's picture
No problemo for creationistas
ThePragmatic's picture
This one is mostly beyond me,
Travis Hedglin's picture
It means that either the wave
ThePragmatic's picture
Dark matter even darker than
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
There are several hypothesis


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