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I agree in that it is an unknown factor.
I don't have any knowledge about the probability for the theory to be correct. Of course the formulas could be incomplete, or it could be something else no one has thought of yet.
But I don't think the approach of finding a mathematical discrepancy, inserting an X and then searching for proof of it, is necessarily wrong. That is how the Neutron was first discovered, and probably a lot of other examples as well.
It may turn out that the concept of dark matter and dark energy is false. But that is what makes science such a beautiful process, when we incrementally get closer and closer to the answer.
What is making the sun spin while it is going through the universe?
Something is spinning at its core to make it spin in a very precise way.
It is not slowing down, so it is not an effect of a long time explosion.
There is something active inside the sun that makes it spin.(some suggest a tiny black hole)
This is not accounted in Einstein theory of relativity and might be the key to finally find a unifying theory.
"Of course the formulas could be incomplete, or it could be something else no one has thought of yet."
Yes exactly, this missing thing could be the power of spin generated by a polarized black hole at the center of the sun.
"It may turn out that the concept of dark matter and dark energy is false. But that is what makes science such a beautiful process, when we incrementally get closer and closer to the answer."
Yes when you do testing, you do that, but not like most wanna be scientist, claiming dark matter here, dark energy there, just building a hypothesis which has no evidence but just contradictions.
Assumptions should be declared and not hidden, I am pretty sure that if i didn't speak up, most people would not even know that dark energy is just a name given for the discrepancy of missing energy in the result of the formulas.
It is a shame that there are too many scientist trying to get a job or keep there reputation rather then honest research.
It is part of societies fault though, they really make it hard to get funding for research.
An interesting video about the sun nano-flares:
They used an X-ray telescope build for black holes study to study the sun for nanoflares.
And received promising results.
Information on black holes avery nice documentary:
Though to that video, what they miss is that maybe the formulas are giving the right result but we are not understanding the input we are inserting.
maybe infinity is the answer.
space can be divided to infinity. You will have an infinite number of infinities(divisions in infinity)
Once the concept to infinity small is better accepted, then Einstein formula gives the right result.
Most Physicist just can't handle the idea of something having infinite energy since we are used with finite things.
Jeff - "What is making the sun spin while it is going through the universe?"
Simple, the conservation of angular momentum.
Nyap don't but in on things you do not understand,
Only and last warning before I prove you wrong for the 100th time
You mean like when you showed you don't understand probability? Or like when showed you don't know anything about calculus? Or the time you showed us you were a free energy aficionado?
I proved you wrong in the probability question and so much in everything you came up with.
Angular momentum was the old hypothesis of how the planets formed up but there is no evidence to back it up.
It is focused on the assumption that that gravity pulled the gasses from a wide radius to a smaller radius to create the spin like what the ice skater does to increase his spin.
This concept would be sound if it would not be contradicted by new evidence that shows that something else and less random is going on in the sun.
Learn before you sprout nonsense please, it does help you get humiliated less.
Except no part of that dismisses the conservation of angular momentum. The sun is a system of parts. The total angular momentum of the system does not change, but the individual rates of the parts can change (so long at the total does not).
Jeff - "It is focused on the assumption that that gravity pulled the gasses from a wide radius to a smaller radius to create the spin like what the ice skater does to increase his spin."
The contraction of a system does not create, increase or decrease angular momentum. This has been known for more than 300 years.
"Except no part of that dismisses the conservation of angular momentum."
"No one knows how the sun's enormous magnetic fields are generated, or why they reverse polarity from positive to negative every 11 years.
But the discovery that the area surrounding the tachocline varies its rotation in a regular pattern could be a clue to solving the mystery.
The research team used independent data from two instruments to detect changes in the solar spin-rate between May 1995 and Nov. 1999."
Did not expect you to admit how wrong you were, but which part of suns going around a balck hole don't you get.
The page I linked is of 2003, it is considered old news.
Now we know that the suns go around black holes and their spin has to do with their magnetic field, which has a relation to the black hole at the center of the galaxy.
The page i gave you was the fist evidence to show that angular momentum hypothesis for creating spin on the sun was discarded because of contradictory evidence.
It is not just a random conservation of angular momentum from a moving gas cloud any more.
Anybody who knows even basics knows this.
The sun has an obit with the back hole at the center, it orbits around it and the magnetic field are related to the spin cycle.
"The contraction of a system does not create, increase or decrease angular momentum. This has been known for more than 300 years."
Trying to pull a straw-man now?
This is the old hypothesis, which part do you disagree about? which part is known for 300 years?
"Galaxies, planets and stars spin and planets revolve around their star and stars revolve around their galaxy because the gas clouds that they all condensed out of had a very small amount of angular momentum. Thus as gravity pulls in and contracts the gas cloud, whatever rate of rotation it had would be greatly increased as the Sun and the planets form."
Always changing subject, just admit that you don't know what you are taking about.
But always at the end, you claim that you were right.
As always horribly wrong and dishonest.
Jeff - "Galaxies, planets and stars spin and planets revolve around their star and stars revolve around their galaxy because the gas clouds that they all condensed out of had a very small amount of angular momentum. Thus as gravity pulls in and contracts the gas cloud, whatever rate of rotation it had would be greatly increased as the Sun and the planets form"
If you read what you quoted careful you will realize the reason you think it contradicts what I said is you have confused rotation rate (angular velocity) with angular momentum. When an ice skater retracts their arms, their rotation rate increases, however their angular momentum remains unchanged. Why? Because angular momentum is conserved. You always claim I don't know what I'm talking about, yet you get first day of physics class stuff wrong...
Jeff - "Now we know that the suns go around black holes and their spin has to do with their magnetic field, which has a relation to the black hole at the center of the galaxy."
Dude that is straight up New Age dribble. Right out of Eric Dollard's Electric Universe; a well known crackpot. Don't get your physics from New Agers.
I did not even hint if "angular momentum is conserved." or not.
I just said that angular momentum was the old hypothesis for the spin of the sun. Now we know better.
Straw-mans wont work here. Admit that you were wrong here instead finding petty excuses.
Are you seriously implying that a black hole(which absorbs all non-gravitational energy including light) is exuding a magnetic field that causes our sun to rotate?
if you watch the video I linked, it is the claim of the current scientific community, not mine.
I'm just reporting. Here is the video I linked again:
They even go as far as saying that black holes might be the creators of galaxies, and solar systems go around black holes.
Just reporting.
That said absolutely nothing about it being due to magnetism, it actually said gravity, as G R A V I T Y. It also doesn't say that they are responsible for the spin of suns, as far as I could tell, but rather their rotation around the center of the galaxy. So I am not sure how you jumped from that to the black hole exuding some super-strong undetectable electromagnetic force, which would have been eaten if it formed inside its event horizon, yet it mysteriously avoids all of the hundreds of satellites we have put in space over the years as if they were made of brass. Also, being at the end of a spiral arm, the gravity of the black hole has limited effect here, or the entirety of the Kepler belt would have already sheared away.
Quite simply, I don't know whether you are jumping around to unrelated topics, or are trying to propose a grand theory of everything. Either way, it looks like you have some bumps to iron out.
"is exuding a magnetic field that causes our sun to rotate?"
That is not what I said, but is entirely possible considering that we do not know what magnetic forces are acting on the sun.
The Angular momentum hypothesis was contradicted by new evidence, thus currently the most intelligent position is to say that we do not know yet what is making the sun spin.
That is the question I asked in the first place.
I just said that there are hypothesis that claim that the black hole might be the creators of galaxies, and since there is so much similarity with the mass of every galaxy relative to the black holes mass at their center.
It is not an absurd claim to hypothesize that the black-hole might effect everything in that galaxy even the spin of the sun.
That is what I said, I did not claim it. I just claimed that it is a possibility.
If i knew I would not have asked this question would I?
"What is making the sun spin while it is going through the universe?"
"Quite simply, I don't know whether you are jumping around to unrelated topics, or are trying to propose a grand theory of everything. Either way, it looks like you have some bumps to iron out."
You should say it to Nyarlathotep, since he is the one who changed the subject on angular momentum being the source of the spin.
The point here is that Nyarlathotep was wrong on his claim that:
"Jeff - "What is making the sun spin while it is going through the universe?"
Nyarlathotep- "Simple, the conservation of angular momentum."
And he is constantly changing subject to try and catch me in a mistake.
Unsuccessful and dishonest as he is, he has no other way square this circle.
Currently research is being done on black holes as a possible source for the creation of the universe, yes including the spin of the sun.
"That is not what I said, but is entirely possible considering that we do not know what magnetic forces are acting on the sun."
No, that isn't what you said, because you didn't actually say much concerning what was causing the sun to spin. You heavily implied it had something to do with a strange unexplained magnetic cycle in the sun, and black holes, but never actually stated what you though it was. Having read the articles you presented only gets you as far as "some strange things are happening in the sun" and "they may somehow be related to its spin in some unknown way", which does not actually dismiss our current understanding of how it spins. Our own tidal system is related to our spin, as it is effect it and is effected by it, but it doesn't actually cause it.
"The Angular momentum hypothesis was contradicted by new evidence, thus currently the most intelligent position is to say that we do not know yet what is making the sun spin."
No it wasn't, angular momentum is not contradicted by any single piece of evidence, that would be like saying that the gravitational constant was contradicted by new evidence. Something in space set to spinning, by whatever means, will continue to spin unless an equal or greater amount of energy is applied to it. That is angular momentum. No matter what one may think originally caused the spin of something in space, the reason it keeps spinning IS the conservation of angular momentum. Please don't argue against the conservation of angular momentum, it would be like arguing against inertia or gravity.
"I just said that there are hypothesis that claim that the black hole might be the creators of galaxies, and since there is so much similarity with the mass of every galaxy relative to the black holes mass at their center."
This hypothesis isn't new, it has been around, and does seem to account for galaxies rather well.
"It is not an absurd claim to hypothesize that the black-hole might effect everything in that galaxy even the spin of the sun."
I did not say that the claim that a black hole effected things was "absurd", I implied that a black hole uniformly emitting the very type of energy that it absorbs was.
"That is what I said, I did not claim it. I just claimed that it is a possibility.
If i knew I would not have asked this question would I?"
Whether or not it is a possibility is also under dispute, as in science possibility requires positive evidence. However, one thing we do know is that as far away from the center as we are, the other solar systems in our galaxy appear exert more forces on ours than the black hole at the center. How do we know this? We have the ability to detect those forces and use them to view the universe, and we can directly detect other systems because they actually emit them, while we have to observe black holes indirectly because the emit no such detectable forces.
"You should say it to Nyarlathotep, since he is the one who changed the subject on angular momentum being the source of the spin."
It is, by all known physics, the reason the sun keeps spinning.
"The point here is that Nyarlathotep was wrong on his claim that:
Nyarlathotep- "Simple, the conservation of angular momentum.""
No, he actually isn't. He may not have addressed exactly what caused the initial spin, but he did address why it is currently spinning.
"No it wasn't, angular momentum is not contradicted by any single piece of evidence, that would be like saying that the gravitational constant was contradicted by new evidence."
You clearly do not know what the angular momentum HYPOTHESIS is.
The hypothesis is that the dust from the original big bang had a momentum.
Since everything in space starts to form a ball, while this dust is moving through space it starts to reduce its radius to form a ball.
Since the ball(of dust) radius becomes smaller angular momentum is conserved but the radius is smaller so it makes the ball spin.
That was the old hypthesiis why the planets spin, though not well explained for the sun.
Now, new evidence shows that the sun has not only different spin rates which vary up and down but also a spin cycle.
There is no space for a spin cycle in that hypothesis, it just does not make sens and that is why it was never expected.
"No, he actually isn't. He may not have addressed exactly what caused the initial spin, but he did address why it is currently spinning."
He is and if you dared to even read the first link i gave about the spin cycle, you would know that the angular momentum HYPOTHESIS does not account for a spin cycle.
As you said:
"Something in space set to spinning, by whatever means, will continue to spin unless an equal or greater amount of energy is applied to it."
That is PART of the angular momentum hypothesis and it does not include a spin cycle.
Read it this time before commenting:
"Few things in the universe seem as constant as the sun.
But now scientists have discovered that two parallel layers of gas deep beneath the solar surface are actually speeding up and slowing down in a strange, synchronous pattern.
It turns out that, as the sun rotates on its axis, one gas layer gradually spins faster while the other reduces speed.
Scientists are at a loss to explain the phenomenon, which occurs in regular 12-to-16-month cycles."
This cannot be a result of the angular momentum hypothesis alone.
It might help for its current rotation speed but not why it is spinning with a spin cycle.
Something more and less random is also effecting the sun spin internally, some say the magnetic fields, some hypothesize that there is a black hole at the center of the sun, some say that the black hole at the center of the galaxy plays a part too.
Research is still being done on this subject.
"You clearly do not know what the angular momentum HYPOTHESIS is."
Obviously not, considering there is no well-documented hypothesis by that name. You could be talking about either the Nebular Hypothesis, or the non-hypothesis called the Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum. Either way, your refusal to use REAL terms is going to cause significant confusion regardless of who may be right.
"The hypothesis is that the dust from the original big bang had a momentum."
That is quite the oversimplification you have there, I hope you aren't actually going to use it as a strawman.
"Since everything in space starts to form a ball, while this dust is moving through space it starts to reduce its radius to form a ball."
Nope, stars actually form disks, not balls. Get your mind out of the gutter.
"Since the ball(of dust) radius becomes smaller angular momentum is conserved but the radius is smaller so it makes the ball spin.
That was the old hypthesiis why the planets spin, though not well explained for the sun."
Because we actually have entirely different mechanics for the sun. The only part that you seem to have gotten right so far is that every nebula starts with a certain amount of angular momentum. The Nebula Hypothesis makes very little if any effort to explain the existence of the precursor momentum, which is where the Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum picks up.
"He is and if you dared to even read the first link i gave about the spin cycle, you would know that the angular momentum HYPOTHESIS does not account for a spin cycle."
That would be because no such "hypothesis" exists to account for anything.
"As you said:
"Something in space set to spinning, by whatever means, will continue to spin unless an equal or greater amount of energy is applied to it."
That is PART of the angular momentum hypothesis and it does not include a spin cycle."
Do the math yourself, or, if you can't; leave it to those of us who CAN.
"Now, new evidence shows that the sun has not only different spin rates which vary up and down but also a spin cycle."
Spin rates =/= Angular Momentum.
"There is no space for a spin cycle in that hypothesis, it just does not make sens and that is why it was never expected."
What? Have you ever even SEEN the math? Your fingers are writing checks that your brain can't cash.
"Read it this time before commenting:"
Oh, I read it, and it says a hell of a LOT less than what you are trying to infer from it.
""Few things in the universe seem as constant as the sun.
But now scientists have discovered that two parallel layers of gas deep beneath the solar surface are actually speeding up and slowing down in a strange, synchronous pattern.
It turns out that, as the sun rotates on its axis, one gas layer gradually spins faster while the other reduces speed.
Scientists are at a loss to explain the phenomenon, which occurs in regular 12-to-16-month cycles.""
Time for context, first let us look at the title:
"Strange 'spin cycle' inside the sun may explain sunspots, solar flares and other mysteries"
Hmm, sunspots and solar flares, not momentum.
Let what changes they found:
"Writing in the March 31 issue of the journal Science, Schou and postdoctoral fellow Rasmus Larsen point out that these unusual but predictable changes in rotational speed only occur above and below a section of the sun known as the interface layer or tachocline."
So the changes in rotational speed occur on a certain part, okay.
What was the change:
"Their results showed that the convective zone just above the tachocline gradually increased its rotational speed by about 60 feet per second between July 1996 and Feb. 1997, then slowly returned to its original velocity some eight months later."
So the convective zone ABOVE the tachocline increased speed by about 60 feet a second, if only there were some balance to conserve that angular momentum, eh?
Oh, wait:
"Meanwhile, the radiative zone just below the tachocline demonstrated the exact opposite behavior, slowing down between July and February, then gradually accelerating eight months later. "
Oh, crap, well there goes your contention...
"The discovery that the inner sun spins at different rates at different latitudes is consistent with earlier studies showing that the surface of the sun also rotates at different speeds.
For example, at the equator, it takes about 25 days for the surface of the sun to rotate on its axis, but at the poles, surface rotation requires roughly 33 days.
That's because the sun is made of gas, so different parts of its surface spin independently -- unlike the surface of Earth, Mars and other solid planets.
But why are the gas layers above and below the tachocline speeding up and slowing down at opposite rates?
Perhaps this puzzling behavior is somehow related to the mysterious forces that generate the sun's magnetic field and the 11-year sunspot cycle.
"For the interior to change speed every 11 years would make sense," notes Schou. "But a 1.3-year period was unexpected. We don't know what it means, but isn't it interesting!""
We expected to see variance in rotation in a gas giant, we didn't expect it to be so quick, but it might be the key to explaining some quirks in its "magnetic field"(absolutely nothing to do with its spin or momentum or the theories that govern them). They don't know why it happens, don't know exactly what it means in relation to its sunspot/solar flare activity due to magnetism, but it is interesting?
This articles says absolutely nothing about what you seem to think it does.
"This cannot be a result of the angular momentum hypothesis alone."
Exactly right! Even if such a hypothesis DID exist, it would not explain magnetic cycles, that is an entirely separate field of study!
"It might help for its current rotation speed but not why it is spinning with a spin cycle."
Look above. Now look at what you said. Look above again. Look at what you said again. Realize that you are attempting to argue a point using completely unrelated data.
"Something more and less random is also effecting the sun spin internally, some say the magnetic fields, some hypothesize that there is a black hole at the center of the sun, some say that the black hole at the center of the galaxy plays a part too.
Research is still being done on this subject."
None of that actually matters, you are making a fallacious argument to begin with.
If u think I am gonna continue with this nonsense argument of yours, you are mistake.
All you just said is fallacious and an apologetic for something completely obvious.
We do not yet know what makes the sun spin with a cycle and you can bitch about it how much you like, you are wrong.
If you insist that we know, then support your claim like the fool Nyarlathotep tried to do and was proven wrong.
"Simple, the conservation of angular momentum."
Not simple at all, because that hypothesis was discarded.
BTW he is the one that came up with that name so if you want to criticize someone on semantics start with your lover.
End of discussion
A. The "spin cycle" they are talking about is in relation to the gases inside the sun(two specific layers to be exact), not the whole sun, so you were misrepresenting the data whether you meant to or not. The article was about how this discover could help unlock mysteries concerning solar flares and sunspots relating to the suns magnetic field, not about its momentum or total spin. As shown above with passages from the very article you cited, you are simply wrong, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
B. I didn't claim that we know, I showed that we did. The fact that you did not understand it does absolutely nothing to change the truth of the matter.
C. Calling the Conservation of Angular Momentum a hypothesis is equivalent to calling evolution or gravity a hypothesis.
D. If you are going to stoop to implying that people who agree with each other are lovers, which seems to be something you do often, then we have no reason to take anything you say seriously. You, quite obviously, are simply not mature or honest enough to have any serious discussion with.
Yes Travis that is what he is saying. This is part of a pseudo-science idea sometimes referred to as "the Electric Universe". You probably aren't familiar with it---and that is a good thing---but unfortunately I am:
"The "Electric Universe" (EU) is an umbrella term that covers various pseudo-scientific cosmological ideas built around the claim that the formation and existence of various features of the universe can be better explained by electromagnetism than by gravity. The exact claims are diverse and vary from c̶r̶a̶n̶k̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶c̶r̶a̶n̶k̶ author to author."
Typically it's adherents make arguments that physicist/cosmologist ignore the coulomb force (electric force). What they can never seem to wrap their head around is that the coulomb force is a function of the charge difference between 2 objects, and that the charge of most objects is 0 (so the coulomb force can be safely ignored).
This brings us to an unrelated term, crank magnetism (nothing to do with actual magnetism):
"Crank magnetism is a term ... to describe the propensity of cranks to hold multiple irrational, unsupported or ludicrous beliefs that are often unrelated to one another. Crank magnetism may be considered to operate wherever a single person propounds a number of unrelated denialist conjectures, poorly supported conspiracy theories, or p̲s̲e̲u̲d̲o̲s̲c̲i̲e̲n̲t̲i̲f̲i̲c̲ ̲c̲l̲a̲i̲m̲s̲. Thus, some of the common crank characteristics (see above)— s̲u̲c̲h̲ ̲a̲s̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲l̲a̲c̲k̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲t̲e̲c̲h̲n̲i̲c̲a̲l̲ ̲a̲b̲i̲l̲i̲t̲y̲,̲ i̲g̲n̲o̲r̲a̲n̲c̲e̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲s̲c̲i̲e̲n̲t̲i̲f̲i̲c̲ ̲t̲e̲r̲m̲i̲n̲o̲l̲o̲g̲y̲,̲ a̲n̲d̲ ̲c̲l̲a̲i̲m̲s̲ ̲t̲h̲a̲t̲ ̲a̲l̲t̲e̲r̲n̲a̲t̲i̲v̲e̲ ̲i̲d̲e̲a̲s̲ ̲a̲r̲e̲ ̲b̲e̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲s̲u̲p̲p̲r̲e̲s̲s̲e̲d̲ ̲b̲y̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲m̲a̲i̲n̲s̲t̲r̲e̲a̲m̲— may be operating on and manifested in multiple orthogonal assertions."
Sound like anyone you know?
Hold on, it might be as simple as us talking about different rotations. If the is discussing the rotation of our spiral arm around the center of the milky way, he is right that it probably due to the proposed super-massive black hole at the center, even if it is due to gravity and not electromagnetism. I need to be sure before I make assumptions as to what he is talking about.
Boys, boys. Take it outside, please.
Start a separate rotation-subject, and fight there instead. :)
What the hell does all this nonsense have to do with Atheism? We are supposed to be Atheists, al least I thought, on this website. Some of these discussions, if you will, get too technical on things that not many people really care about, nor wish to follow. When I see this kind of stuff, it turns me off to this website.
Jeff - "One thing missing in Einstein relativity equations is the power of spin.
Currently they think that the sun spins on its own, that the earth spins on it's own.
Well if you are missing the energy to spin a planet in the formulas then it might be the reason why the formulas are missing 70% of the energy of the universe."
Yeah, except the conservation of angular momentum has been well understood for 100's of years..
The Pragmatic - "That is how the Neutron was first discovered, and probably a lot of other examples as well."
Your right, that is how almost every thing has been discovered (anti-matter, 6 quarks, 3 neutrinos, the tau, the 3 weak bosons, etc, etc).
just wanted to share this cool 3rd presentation of the motion of the sun in our galaxy:
hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.
good documentary about our galaxy: