Senior violence epidemic

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ImFree's picture
Senior violence epidemic

It will not be surprising if apologists for the thugs in this video attempt to circumvent the video evidence by attacking the messenger Colin Flaherty claiming he is a “white supremest” and try to use opinion pieces to support their lies. What the apologists want to avoid is exposing that the crimes occurred and holding the criminals accountable for their sicking violence against the elderly.

Colin Flaherty went out of his way to free a black man wrongly convicted of murder. People that falsely accuse Colin Flaherty of being a “white supremest” do not like to acknowledge the vindication of this man because it does not fit their false narrative of lies:

2015 FBI crime stats - Debunking the confirmation BIAS!:

F.B.I and U.S. Justice department Crime statistics.:

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chimp3's picture
So, there are no white thugs?

So, there are no white thugs? This mans bias is too blatant to ignore.

ImFree's picture

Your bias is to blatant to ignore and is just another “attack the messenger” deflection from the fact that despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years.

Yes there are white thugs, but the press does not fairly report the true picture of who is committing the crime. I am against unfair reporting of facts that prevent the public from being aware of danger allowing them to protect their families from harm.

chimp3's picture
Fear of a black planet!

Fear of a black planet!

ImFree's picture
Chimp3: "Fear of a black

Chimp3: "Fear of a black planet!"

That is a race-baiting diversion. Just another way to avoid reality.

If the situation was reversed I would want to know the truth also. Whoever it is blue or green I would want the truth.

chimp3's picture
Race baiting? Are you kidding

Race baiting? Are you kidding? I watched the race baiting video you provided the link for.

ImFree's picture


I invite you to post comparable video evidence of violence on the elderly in reverse. You do not seemed concerned at all for the elderly in my video.

chimp3's picture
Colin Flaherty is a race

Colin Flaherty is a race baiting White Nationalist. I would not take seriously anything that man posts on youtube. I make my living taking care of the elderly. I know much about elderly abuse and they suffer most at the hands of their own family.

ImFree's picture


Are you opposed to accurate descriptions of violent criminals in the main stream media?

chimp3's picture
I have seen Colin Flaherty's

I have seen Colin Flaherty's videos and some of his writings. Not exactly in-depth social analysis. Mostly race baiting. I prefer much smarter reporting on racial issues.

ImFree's picture
Chimp: "Colin Flaherty is a

Chimp: "Colin Flaherty is a race baiting White Nationalist

He is not, I covered that above, that is a name calling tactic to divert attention from the facts. Why would a white nationalist waste his time getting a black man wrongly convicted freed from prison?

chimp3's picture
ImFree: " Why would a white

ImFree: " Why would a white nationalist waste his time getting a black man wrongly convicted freed from prison?"

Perhaps in 1992 he gave a shit about people. 25 years later he is spreading hate and fear. Is he fighting to get any wrongly accused Black people off the hook now?

xenoview's picture
Colin Flaherty is a racist.

Colin Flaherty is a racist. Why would the Southern Poverty Law Center lie, they report on racism all the time.

ImFree's picture
Politics, not uncommon.

Politics, not uncommon.

ImFree's picture
What is not true from the

What is not true from the video? Which incident in the video do you think false?

chimp3's picture
ImFree : "What is not true

ImFree : "What is not true from the video? Which incident in the video do you think false?"

The photoshopping of "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry!" onto the pictures of Obama handing out leaflets and on the books he is pointing in the White House. Sorry mate, I know propaganda when I see it.

ImFree's picture
Chimp: "The photoshopping of

Chimp: "The photoshopping of "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry!" onto the pictures of Obama handing out leaflets and on the books he is pointing in the White House. Sorry mate, I know propaganda when I see it."

That is obvious satire, once again your avoiding the question. Why don't you comment where Colin brings attention to the race of the person beating the elderly? Do you think the stories covered in the video are not true?

chimp3's picture
I don't think that under

I don't think that under reporting of racial elements of crime is a serious issue. Flaherty trying to inflate that issue is part of his propaganda. Create a problem then offer to address it. Propaganda. When the local news reports a crime and they show the suspect I can see for myself what color their skin is without Flaherty. When I see the suspect I think "criminal" not black , white , asian. I do not assume that because a criminal shot someone that the other members of that criminals racial group are responsible.

ImFree's picture
Chimp: "I don't think that

Chimp: "I don't think that under reporting of racial elements of crime is a serious issue."

I want to know the truth, the true propaganda is being done by the main stream media by omission. Your getting things backwards.

When it results in people dying from not being informed of the danger it is a problem.

chimp3's picture
So, when the news shows a

So, when the news shows a picture of a suspect but does not mention the race it is omission? Last week when the white supremacist cut the throat of two men trying to protect two female passengers the suspects race was not initially mentioned. The description of his racist rants left little to the imagination though. Later reports revealed he was a white nationalist / supremacist who pledged to kill Muslims and Jews. The initial omission of his race was part of what media conspiracy?

LogicFTW's picture
How about you post some

How about you post some stories/videos of elderly violence that does not feature Colin Flaherty?

I too know that elderly abuse and violence towards elders is a real problem, especially here in the US. But I never heard of a racial component to it until Colin brought it up.

ImFree's picture
LogicForTW: “How about you

LogicForTW: “How about you post some stories/videos of elderly violence that does not feature Colin Flaherty?”

You and others would just accuse them of “white supremacy” and we are back where we were. You can google the information provided in each case and see his stories align with the press with the exception he includes the race that is often left out when no pictures of the criminal are included.

The news sources in his video does not feature Colin, they are featured by Colin. Colin has contacts with many people that can quickly bring crimes to his attention that would otherwise be misreported or not reported at all.

I do not care if Mickey Mouse has contacts and can quickly put the information together from those contacts. What matters are the stories can be verified that they occurred. Even if Mickey Mouse was an alternative source he would be accused of being a “white supremacist” in hopes of shutting him up.

chimp3's picture
ImFree: "You and others would

ImFree: "You and others would just accuse them of “white supremacy” and we are back where we were. You can google the information provided in each case and see his stories align with the press with the exception he includes the race that is often left out when no pictures of the criminal are included."

So, you are saying that the stories were reported by the media and only the race was left out? What does race have to do with it? As I said Flaherty's obsession with pointing out the races of criminals says more about him than any problem with the media. I looked at his youtube channel. Fear, fear, fear. Hate , hate hate! What good is this fuckwad doing?

ImFree's picture
Chimp: “So, you are saying

Chimp: “So, you are saying that the stories were reported by the media and only the race was left out? What does race have to do with it?”

The race is important in identifying the person that committed the crime. If a person murders someone the people in that neighborhood should have all the information needed to be aware of the perpetrator(s) which also includes age, height, weight etc. Why do you think wanted posters were invented?

Chimp: ”As I said Flaherty's obsession with pointing out the races of criminals says more about him than any problem with the media. I looked at his youtube channel. Fear, fear, fear. Hate , hate hate! What good is this fuckwad doing?”

Your seeing what you want to see. What I see from your obsession of denial is a callous regard of innocent victims that should be informed of risk in their community. Your more concerned with political correctness than human life.

chimp3's picture
ImFree : "Your seeing what

ImFree : "Your seeing what you want to see. What I see from your obsession of denial is a callous regard of innocent victims that should be informed of risk in their community. Your more concerned with political correctness than human life."

So, old people should be afraid of black people?

LogicFTW's picture
Woah, hey there, calm down

Woah, hey there, calm down ImFree, you said:

You and others would just accuse them of “white supremacy”

I never accused Colin Flaherty of being racist, I simply said: "I never heard of a racial component until Colin brought it up."

You are putting words in my mouth by stating I would just accuse anyone of white supremacy, I do not, I barely know Colin, all I know is in that video he mentioned a race component, that I have not seen brought up before on articles/videos discussing elderly violence. I have not watched his other videos, I have not formed an opinion on him or accuse him of being racist.

However I do know just like violence against elderly in this country is a problem that, white supremacy is also real and creates problems. I am also know that racial biases are real.

I am well aware of the fact that I am a SWM (strait white male,) the world is my oyster in this country in terms of cultural advantage. All doors are open to me. I could argue I lack being christian, but that is an easy one to hide in this day and age, especially in large cities.

I do believe in media bias, it happens all the time, but also just because their is a media bias against a story, does not mean that is real. I read all kinds of alternative news to try and find a more complete picture, and I take any source of news with a large grain of salt and look for the possible biases built in.

I have actually already seen plenty of stories on violence against the elderly, its not covered up. Most just have the common sense to not add a racial component to it, even if more of the crimes are done by a particular skin color over another percentage wise. It is always in poor form to label an entire skin color by the actions of a few. How would you feel if people decided which ever hair color you have, that all people with that hair color are homicidal maniacs based on the actions of just a few?

I was simply stating, in the hopes to help settle the argument why not use other sources if its a big problem, that don't involve Colin. Likely if there really is a huge racial component, someone, somewhere with the real data will also make this conclusion based upon the data, even if its still wrong to judge an entire race of people based on the actions of some, (likely very few) of them.

ImFree's picture
LogicForTW: ”I was simply

LogicForTW: ”I was simply stating, in the hopes to help settle the argument why not use other sources if its a big problem, that don't involve Colin.”

I have no problem with that suggestion. Verifying the videos he puts up with other news sources can be easily done with the internet.

ImFree's picture
If the neighborhood that they

If the neighborhood that they live in has known gangs robbing and killing they should be afraid of what ever color they are and take precautions not to expose their lives to unneeded risk.

watchman's picture
So..... in short ...

So..... in short ...

Colin Flaherty is simply just a journalist ,an upright ,straightforward journalist committed to honesty and the truth.....

It seems your opinion of him is also held by the guys over at the Daily Stormer .... and the lads at Conservative Firing Line...

[WARNING....Read with caution.....there is some pretty nasty sh*t on these sites..... the sort of filth that should have died in the rubble of the sewers in Berlin back in '45..] real worries then...if Flaherty is so committed to honesty and truth....

Odd then...that his CV doesn't show his brush with the Los Angeles state Fair Political Practices Commission back in 2003..... seems he was not quite so committed to truth and honesty back in the day......

indeed seems he was committed to money laundering and the redistribution of funds to political cronies..... so much so that he was landed with a $76,000 fine.

also of course its why he can no longer operate as a publicist and now has to rely on his Yellow Journalism and his race baiting'll note the continuous and many requests for subscriptions to his channels an offers on his books.....

..... so yup....looks like a duck....walks like a duck..... and damn quacks too.

ImFree's picture
This is more character

This is more character assignation of the messenger. I do not approve of any laundering of political funds or mistakes he made in the past. I am sure something negative can be dug up on most reporters in one manner or another. That is why if in doubt one must take the evidence provided and verify it's truthfulness. As the old saying goes “one picture is worth a thousand words” which is why pictures and photography are used as evidence. Don't depend on Colin to do all the leg work, when in doubt check the information and videos he provides against other sources. If you ignore researching for the truth your just a sheep following the politically correct herd. ..... so yup....looks like….sheep....walks like sheep..... and damn me...... sings baaaaa to the politically correct herd.

LogicFTW's picture
Heh, thanks for doing the

Heh, thanks for doing the background on the guy watchman.

ImFree watchman just said he can not even operate as a publicist anymore, most reporters have the ability to act as publicist. Sure you can dig up stuff on most, but I highly doubt you would find such a long and damning list as the one against Colin.

Okay... I actually took time to watch a few minutes of the video rather then just reading a quick description.

Wow. Just... wow. This guy is racist and fear mongering as all get out.

Also his "evidence" sure, those things happened, picking and choosing a few stories to report on to try and make the argument that black people are bad. Well shit, that is easy, I could make a video just like his, with the same amount of stories and evidence on white people. There is 321 million people living in the US, he used stories going back years in history, of course there is going to be cases of black violence on seniors, just like there is from whites, or any other race. He has proved nothing about black people being particularly predatory towards seniors, anymore then stories of bigfoot sightings proves the existence of bigfoot.

And yes, I am ready for you to call me a snowflake, use your tired ass lines to self congratulate your self on your "superiority over us sheep."

I am also quite politically un-correct in alot areas, I am an atheist, I think the sooner we can do away with capitalism in its entirety the better, (it is a system that rewards greed.) I think driving on publicly funded roads should be a privilege not a right, (especially with the rise of Uber and soon, self driving cars, plus mass transit options.) plus a bunch of others.

I am not republican, I am not democrat, I am more left then right, but really I am off the map. I call my self a futurist, the rise of increasingly sophisticated AI is going to change all the rules we been operating under for the last few centuries in the next few decades unless we screw it up before it takes off. Under sophisticated AI, capitalism method of market crumbles to pieces and no longer functions.


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