Senior violence epidemic

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ImFree's picture
Senior violence epidemic

It will not be surprising if apologists for the thugs in this video attempt to circumvent the video evidence by attacking the messenger Colin Flaherty claiming he is a “white supremest” and try to use opinion pieces to support their lies. What the apologists want to avoid is exposing that the crimes occurred and holding the criminals accountable for their sicking violence against the elderly.

Colin Flaherty went out of his way to free a black man wrongly convicted of murder. People that falsely accuse Colin Flaherty of being a “white supremest” do not like to acknowledge the vindication of this man because it does not fit their false narrative of lies:

2015 FBI crime stats - Debunking the confirmation BIAS!:

F.B.I and U.S. Justice department Crime statistics.:

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chimp3's picture
So, there are no white thugs?
ImFree's picture
chimp3's picture
Fear of a black planet!
ImFree's picture
Chimp3: "Fear of a black
chimp3's picture
Race baiting? Are you kidding
ImFree's picture
chimp3's picture
Colin Flaherty is a race
ImFree's picture
chimp3's picture
I have seen Colin Flaherty's
ImFree's picture
Chimp: "Colin Flaherty is a
chimp3's picture
ImFree: " Why would a white
xenoview's picture
Colin Flaherty is a racist.
ImFree's picture
Politics, not uncommon.
ImFree's picture
What is not true from the
chimp3's picture
ImFree : "What is not true
ImFree's picture
Chimp: "The photoshopping of
chimp3's picture
I don't think that under
ImFree's picture
Chimp: "I don't think that
chimp3's picture
So, when the news shows a
LogicFTW's picture
How about you post some
ImFree's picture
LogicForTW: “How about you
chimp3's picture
ImFree: "You and others would
ImFree's picture
Chimp: “So, you are saying
chimp3's picture
ImFree : "Your seeing what
LogicFTW's picture
Woah, hey there, calm down
ImFree's picture
LogicForTW: ”I was simply
ImFree's picture
If the neighborhood that they
watchman's picture
So..... in short ...
ImFree's picture
This is more character
LogicFTW's picture
Heh, thanks for doing the


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