Senior violence epidemic

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ImFree's picture
It works both ways but blacks
chimp3's picture
ImFree : "It works both ways
ImFree's picture
Your the one clinging to
chimp3's picture
I live in the same world as
ImFree's picture
And my fears are of people
chimp3's picture
The Klansman that threatened
ImFree's picture
Just as your whining falls
LogicFTW's picture
You have been held under
ImFree's picture
What you want to deny: https:
LogicFTW's picture
Ooh statistics based on a
ImFree's picture
LogicForTW:" I avoid news
LogicFTW's picture
You are trying to put ideas
ImFree's picture
Watch an enjoy:
Nyarlathotep's picture
You know you've gone too far
ImFree's picture
Your wrong again!
ImFree's picture
It is called confirmation
Nyarlathotep's picture
chimp3 - The photoshopping of
ImFree's picture
He has to identify the races
Nyarlathotep's picture
ImFree - Why don't you
ImFree's picture
Nyarlathotep:"Because I'm not
Nyarlathotep's picture
ImFree - would if
ImFree's picture
I will put one on my
Nyarlathotep's picture
I will put a knotch on my
ImFree's picture
Your opposition to my knock
Nyarlathotep's picture
ImFree - Your opposition to
ImFree's picture
When the person's fist hits
ImFree's picture
Add a self-inflicted knotch
ImFree's picture
Add a self-inflicted knotch
xenoview's picture
ImFree's picture
It is different when the


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